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Word Meanings - INNERMOST - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Farthest inward; most remote from the outward part; inmost; deepest within. Prov. xviii. 8.

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    1. Toward the inside; toward the center or interior; as, to bend a thing inward. 2. Into, or toward, the mind or thoughts; inwardly; as, to turn the attention inward. So much the rather, thou Celestial Light, Shine inward. Milton.
    From the interior part; in a direction from the interior toward the exterior; out; to the outside; beyond; off; away; as, a ship bound outward. The wrong side may be turned outward. Shak. Light falling on them is not reflected outwards.
    1. Being or placed within; inner; interior; -- opposed to outward. Milton. 2. Seated in the mind, heart, spirit, or soul. "Inward beauty." Shak. 3. Intimate; domestic; private. All my inward friends abhorred me. Job xix. 19. He had had occasion,
    In the inner parts; inside. Graves.
    Separated by intervals greater than usual. -- Re*mote"ly, adv. -- Re*mote"ness, n. (more info) 1. Removed to a distance; not near; far away; distant; -- said in respect to time or to place; as, remote ages; remote lands. Places remote enough are
    See INWARD
    See ADV
    1. Internal or true state; essential nature; as, the inwardness of conduct. Sense can not arrive to the inwardness Of things. Dr. H. More. 2. Intimacy; familiarity. Shak. 3. Heartiness; earnestness. What was wanted was more inwardness,
    1. In the inner parts; internally. Let Benedick, like covered fire, Consume away in sighs, waste inwardly. Shak. 2. Toward the center; inward; as, to curve inwardly. 3. In the heart or mind; mentally; privately; secretas, he inwardly repines. 4.
    Deepest within; farthest from the surface or external part; innermost. And pierce the inmost center of the earth. Shak. The silent, slow, consuming fires, Which on my inmost vitals prey. Addison. (more info) form fr. inne within, fr. in in. The
    1. Formmg the superficial part; external; exterior; -- opposed to inward; as, an outward garment or layer. Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Cor. iv. 16. 2. Of or pertaining to the outer surface or to what
    Most distant or remote; as, the farthest degree. See Furthest.
    with, against, toward + innan in, inwardly, within, from in in. See 1. In the inner or interior part of; inside of; not without; as, within doors. O, unhappy youth! Come not within these doors; within this roof The enemy of all your graces lives.
    Within; inside; inwardly. Wyclif. labor for to withinforth call into mind, without sight of the eye withoutforth upon images, what he before knew and thought upon. Bp. Peacock.
    More remote in subsequent time or order.
    More remote in previous time or prior order. In some cases two more links of causation may be introduced; one of them may be termed the preremote cause, the other the postremote effect. E. Darwin.
    An earthquake. Gower.
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