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Word Meanings - HOCKEY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A game in which two parties of players, armed with sticks curved or hooked at the end, attempt to drive any small object (as a ball or a bit of wood) toward opposite goals. 2. The stick used by the players.

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    Great as a man's arm. A wreath of gold, arm-gret. Chaucer.
    See LAC
    A fleet of armed ships; a squadron. Specifically, the Spanish fleet which was sent to assail England, a. d. 1558.
    Objectivity. Is there such a motion or objectiveness of external bodies, which produceth light Sir M. Hale
    1. In the direction of; to. He set his face toward the wilderness. Num. xxiv. 1. The waves make towards'' the pebbled shore. Shak. 2. With direction to, in a moral sense; with respect or reference to; regarding; concerning. His eye shall be evil
    a. & n. from Stick, v. Sticking piece, a piece of beef cut from the neck. -- Sticking place, the place where a thing sticks, or remains fast; sticking point. But screw your courage to the sticking place, And we'll not fail. Shak. --
    Spur gearing having teeth slanting across the face of the wheel, sometimes slanting in opposite directions from the middle.
    To be weak or foolish; to dote; as, a driveling hero; driveling love. Shak. Dryden. (more info) 1. To slaver; to let spittle drop or flow from the mouth, like a child, idiot, or dotard. 2. Etym:
    fr. L. armarium place for keeping arms; but confused with F. 1. A place where arms and instruments of war are deposited for safe keeping. 2. Armor: defensive and offensive arms. Celestial armory, shields, helms, and spears. Milton. 3. A manufactory
    To dig Horizontally; to cut a horizontal gallery or tunnel. Tomlinson. 7. To pass away; -- said of time. Chaucer. Note: Drive, in all its senses, implies forcible or violent action. It is the reverse of to lead. To drive a body is to move it by
    One who adheres to, or is skilled in, the objective philosophy. Ed. Rev.
    See TOWARD
    Pertaining to, or resembling, a bracelet or ring; consisting of rings or circles. Armillary sphere, an ancient astronomical machine composed of an assemblage of rings, all circles of the same sphere, designed to represent the positions
    Somewhat small. G. W. Cable.
    A group of passerine birds, including the creepers and nuthatches.
    before, to oppose; ob + jacere to throw: cf. objecter. See 1. To set before or against; to bring into opposition; to oppose. Of less account some knight thereto object, Whose loss so great and harmful can not prove. Fairfax. Some strong
    Having a curved or crooked tail.
    A thick plain silk, generally black, and used for clerical. Simmonds.
    As much set type as fills a composing stick.
    Clad with armor.
    The glowing effect which arises from the use of warm colors; hence, any similar appearance or effect in a painting, or work of color. Syn. -- Zeal; ardor; fervor; fervency; heat; glow; earnestness; cordiality; animation; eagerness; excitement;
    The business of keeping a baby farm.
    A small stick or rod of steel, formerly used in adjusting the plaits of ruffs. Shak.
    Of or pertaining to, or derived from, carmine. Carminic acid. Same as Carmine, 3.
    1. To deprive of arms; to take away the weapons of; to deprive of the means of attack or defense; to render defenseless. Security disarms the best-appointed army. Fuller. The proud was half disarmed of pride. Tennyson. 2. To deprive of the means
    1. Free from harm; unhurt; as, to give bond to save another harmless. 2. Free from power or disposition to harm; innocent; inoffensive. " The harmless deer." Drayton Syn. -- Innocent; innoxious; innocuous; inoffensive; unoffending; unhurt;
    pharmacie, Gr. 1. The art or practice of preparing and preserving drugs, and of compounding and dispensing medicines according to prescriptions of physicians; the occupation of an apothecary or a pharmaceutical chemist. 2. A place where medicines
    A gun, pistol, or any weapon from a shot is discharged by the force of an explosive substance, as gunpowder.
    The act of harmonizing.
    Boar hunting; -- so called by Anglo-Indians. Tackeray.
    Front stick of a hearth fire.
    A woman who farms.
    Inharmonious; unsymmetrical; also, unmusical; discordant. Swift. -- Un`har*mo"ni*ous*ly, adv.


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