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Word Meanings - GO-BETWEEN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An intermediate agent; a broker; a procurer; -- usually in a disparaging sense. Shak.

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    The business of a broker. And with extorting, cozening, forfeiting, And tricks belonging unto brokery. Marlowe.
    A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body; as, the senses of sight, smell, hearing,
    1. Matching any one in marriage under his or her degree; injurious union with something of inferior excellence; a lowering in rank or estimation. And thought that match a foul disparagement. Spenser. 2. Injurious comparison with an inferior; a
    1. The business or employment of a broker. Burke. 2. The fee, reward, or commission, given or changed for transacting business as a broker.
    Actingpatient, or sustaining, action. "The body agent." Bacon. (more info) Gr. aka to drive, Skr. aj.
    Inequality in marriage; marriage with an inferior. Chaucer. Dissuaded her from such a disparage. Spenser.
    In a manner to disparage or dishonor; slightingly.
    One who disparages or dishonors; one who vilifies or disgraces.
    Mean; servile. B. Jonson.
    Agency. Beau. & Fl.
    In an intermediate manner; by way of intervention.
    Full of sense, meaning, or reason; reasonable; judicious. "Senseful speech." Spenser. "Men, otherwise senseful and ingenious." Norris.
    1. One who procures, or obtains; one who, or that which, brings on, or causes to be done, esp. by corrupt means. 2. One who procures the gratification of lust for another; a pimp; a pander. South.
    Lying or being in the middle place or degree, or between two extremes; coming or done between; intervening; interposed; interjacent; as, an intermediate space or time; intermediate colors. Intermediate state , the state or condition of the soul
    An agent employed to effect bargains and contracts, as a middleman or negotiator, between other persons, for a compensation commonly called brokerage. He takes no possession, as broker, of the subject matter of the negotiation. He generally
    Destitute of, deficient in, or contrary to, sense; without sensibility or feeling; unconscious; stupid; foolish; unwise; unreasonable. You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things. Shak. The ears are senseless that should give us hearing.
    Of or pertaining to an agent or an agency. Fitzed. Hall.
    To make to understand; to instruct. Halliwell.
    An intermediate agent.
    1. That which is not sense, or has no sense; words, or language, which have no meaning, or which convey no intelligible ideas; absurdity. 2. Trifles; things of no importance. Nonsense verses, lines made by taking any words which occur,
    A broker who deals in railway or other shares and securities.
    A person employed by an agent to transact the whole, or a part, of the business intrusted to the latter. Bouvier. Chitty.
    See SENSE
    Wanting a distinct meaning; having no certain signification. Puller.
    One who makes a business of lending money on the security of personal property pledged or deposited in his keeping.


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