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Word Meanings - FEEBLE-MINDED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy; irresolute; vacilating; imbecile. "comfort the feeble-minded." 1 Thess. v. 14. -- Fee"ble-mind"ed*ness, n.

Related words: (words related to FEEBLE-MINDED)

    Having no want; abundant; fruitful.
    wanting , hence expressing negation + towen, p. p., AS. togen, p. p. of teón to draw, to educate, bring up; hence, 1. Untrained; undisciplined; unrestrained; hence, loose; free; luxuriant; roving; sportive. "In woods and wanton wilderness."
    Without comfort or comforts; in want or distress; cheerless. Comfortless through turanny or might. Spenser. Syn. -- Forlorn; desolate; cheerless; inconsolable; disconsolate; wretched; miserable. -- Com"fort*less*ly, adv. -- Com"fort*less*ness, n.
    Large; capacious; -- said of veins of ore. Syn. -- Mighty; strong; potent; forcible; efficacious; energetic; intense. -- Pow"er*ful*ly, adv. -- Pow"er*ful*ness, n. (more info) 1. Full of power; capable of producing great effects of any
    1. Capable of being effected or accomplished by the application of power; possible. J. Young. 2. Capable of exerting power; powerful. Camden.
    In a comfortable or comforting manner. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem. Is. xl. 2.
    Destitute of strength, whether of body or mind; feeble; impotent; esp., mentally wea; feeble-minded; as, hospitals for the imbecile and insane. Syn. -- Weak; feeble; feeble-minded; idiotic.
    1. One who overrates the importance of the understanding. Bacon. 2. One who accepts the doctrine of intellectualism.
    One destitute of wit or sense; a blockhead; a fool. Shak.
    The quality or state of being wanton; negligence of restraint; sportiveness; recklessness; lasciviousness. Gower. The tumults threatened to abuse all acts of grace, and turn them into wantonness. Eikon Basilike. Young gentlemen would be as sad as
    1. To make strong; to invigorate; to fortify; to corroborate. Wyclif. God's own testimony . . . doth not a little comfort and confirm the same. Hooker. 2. To assist or help; to aid. I . . . can not help the noble chevalier: God comfort him in this
    The quality or condition of being feeble; debility; infirmity. That shakes for age and feebleness. Shak.
    1. Not indued with mind or intellectual powers; stupid; unthinking. 2. Unmindful; inattentive; heedless; careless. Cursed Athens, mindless of thy worth. Shak.
    1. Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental; as, intellectual powers, activities, etc. Logic is to teach us the right use of our reason or intellectual powers. I. Watts. 2. Endowed with intellect; having the power of understanding;
    OF. feble, flebe, floibe, floible, foible, F. faible, L. flebilis to 1. Deficient in physical strenght; weak; infirm; debilitated. Carried all the feeble of them upon asses. 2 Chron. xxviii. 15. 2. Wanting force, vigor, or efficiency in action
    In an intellectual manner.
    1. Strong; vigorous; valiant. Wyclif. Thy conceit is nearer death than thy powers. For my sake be comfortable; hold death a while at the arm's end. Shak. 2. Serviceable; helpful. Be comfortable to my mother, your mistress, and make much of her.
    That which is wanting; deficiency.
    1. One who minds, tends, or watches something, as a child, a machine, or cattle; as, a minder of a loom. 2. One to be attended; specif., a pauper child intrusted to the care of a private person. Dickens.
    Of or pertaining to Thessalonica, a city of Macedonia. -- n.
    Having a mind devoted to earthly things; worldly-minded; -- opposed to spiritual-minded. -- Earth"ly-mind`ed*ness, n.
    To put in mind of something; to bring to the remembrance of; to bring to the notice or consideration of . When age itself, which will not be defied, shall begin to arrest, seize, and remind us of our mortality. South.
    Having equanimity.
    Grossness of mind.
    One who, or that which, reminds; that which serves to awaken remembrance.
    Illuminating power, as of a lamp, or gas flame, reckoned in terms of the light of a standard candle.
    The quality of being highminded; nobleness; magnanimity.
    Thinking chiefly or most readily through, or in terms related to, the sense of hearing; specif., thinking words as spoken, as a result of familiarity with speech or of mental peculiarity; -- opposed to eye-minded.
    A small lemuroid mammal of Africa. It has only a rudimentary tail.
    1. Causing discomfort; occasioning uneasiness; making sad. Sir P. Sidney. 2. Destitute of comfort; uncomfortable. A labyrinth of little discomfortable garrets. Thackeray. -- Dis*com"fort*a*ble*ness, n.
    Devoted to worldly interests; mindful of the affairs of the present life, and forgetful of those of the future; loving and pursuing this world's goods, to the exclusion of piety and attention to spiritual concerns. -- World"ly*mind`ed*ness, n.


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