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Word Meanings - FATALLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. In a manner proceeding from, or determined by, fate. Bentley. 2. In a manner issuing in death or ruin; mortally; destructively; as, fatally deceived or wounded.

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    In an issuable manner; by way of issue; as, to plead issuably.
    1. Resembling death. A deathlike slumber, and a dead repose. Pope. 2. Deadly. "Deathlike dragons." Shak.
    1. To send out; to put into circulation; as, to issue notes from a bank. 2. To deliver for use; as, to issue provisions. 3. To send out officially; to deliver by authority; as, to issue an order; to issue a writ.
    The quality of being deathly; deadliness. Southey.
    1. To come to an end; to end; to terminate. He who has vented a pernicious doctrine or published an ill book must know that his life determine not together. South. Estates may determine on future contingencies. Blackstone. 2. To come to a decision;
    To begin and carry on a legal process. Syn. -- To advance; go on; continue; progress; issue; arise; emanate. (more info) 1. To move, pass, or go forward or onward; to advance; to continue or renew motion begun; as, to proceed on a journey. If thou
    One who proceeds.
    The course of procedure in the prosecution of an action at law. Blackstone. Proceedings of a society, the published record of its action, or of things done at its meetings. Syn. -- Procedure; measure; step, See Transaction. (more info) 1. The act
    A small beetle . By forcibly striking its head against woodwork it makes a ticking sound, which is a call of the sexes to each other, but has been imagined by superstitious people to presage death. A small wingless insect, of the family Psocidæ,
    One who issues, emits, or publishes.
    1. Leading to, producing, or relating to, an issue; capable of being made an issue at law. Burrill. 2. Lawful or suitable to be issued; as, a writ issuable on these grounds. Issuable plea , a plea to the merits, on which the adverse party may
    Issuing or coming up; -- a term used to express a charge or bearing rising or coming out of another.
    Toward death.
    One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under Mannerism.
    Excessive. Such a world of holidays, that 't a woundy hindrance to a poor man that lives by his labor. L'Estrange.
    One who, or that which, determines or decides.
    One who believes in determinism. Also adj.; as, determinist theories.
    Free from wound or hurt; exempt from being wounded; invulnerable. "Knights whose woundless armor rusts." Spenser. may miss our name, And hit the woundless air. Shak.
    The doctrine that the will is not free, but is inevitably and invincibly determined by motives. Its superior suitability to produce courage, as contrasted with scientific physical determinism, is obvious. F. P. Cobbe.
    Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art. Mannerism is pardonable,and is sometimes even agreeable, when the manner, though vicious, is natural
    A genus of endogenous bulbous plants with handsome flowers, having a cup-shaped crown within the six-lobed perianth, and comprising the daffodils and jonquils of several kinds. (more info) Narcissus, Gr. na`rkissos, Na`rkissos, fr. na`rkh torpor,
    Deadly; fatal; mortal; destructive.
    A narrow opening, made by the parting of any substance; a cleft; as, the fissure of a rock. Cerebral fissures , the furrows or clefts by which the surface of the cerebrum is divided; esp., the furrows first formed by the infolding of the whole
    To issue a second time.
    The act of dividing or opening; the state of being fissured.
    Not mannerly; ill-bred; rude. -- adv.
    Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited. -- In`de*ter"mi*na*bly, adv.
    Clothed in, or adorned with, tissue; also, variegated; as, tissued flowers. Cowper. And crested chiefs and tissued dames Assembled at the clarion's call. T. Warton.
    A longitudinal opening in a body, made by cutting; a cleft; a fissure. Hammond.
    Determination by one's self; or, determination of one's acts or states without the necessitating force of motives; -- applied to the voluntary or activity.
    To cause to be no longer deceived; to free from deception, fraud, fallacy, or mistake. South.
    Not determinable; indeterminable. Locke.
    The act of previous determination; a purpose formed beforehand; as, the predetermination of God's will. Hammond.


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