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Word Meanings - ERRATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A wandering; a roving about. Cockeram.

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    In a wandering manner.
    On the point or verge of; going; in act of. Paul was now aboutto open his mouth. Acts xviii. 14. 7. Concerning; with regard to; on account of; touching. "To treat about thy ransom." Milton. She must have her way about Sarah. Trollope. (more info)
    The act of wandering, or roaming. Bp. Hall.
    A large monkey native of Malabar. It is black, or nearly so, but has a long white or gray beard encircling the face. Called also maha, silenus, neelbhunder, lion-tailed baboon, and great wanderoo. Note: The name is sometimes applied also to other
    In a wandering manner.
    The state of roving.
    1. The operatin of forming the rove, or slightly twisted sliver or roll of wool or cotton, by means of a machine for the purpose, called a roving frame, or roving machine. 2. A roll or sliver of wool or cotton drawn out and slightly twisted; a
    A ball which has passed through all the hoops and would go out if it hit the stake but is continued in play; also, the player of such a ball. Casual marks at uncertain distances. Encyc. Brit. A sort of arrow. All sorts, flights, rovers, and butt
    One who wanders; a rambler; one who roves; hence, one who deviates from duty.
    a. & n. from Wander, v. Wandering albatross , the great white albatross. See Illust. of Albatross. -- Wandering cell , an animal cell which possesses the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white corpuscles of the blood. -- Wandering
    1. To ramble here and there without any certain course or with no definite object in view; to range about; to stroll; to rove; as, to wander over the fields. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. Heb. xi. 37. He wandereth abroad for
    The largest hammer used by smiths. Weale.
  • ROVE
    1. To draw through an eye or aperture. 2. To draw out into falkes; to card, as wool. Jamieson. 3. To twist slightly; to bring together, as slivers of wool or cotton, and twist slightly before spinning.
    The glandular stomach of birds, situated just above the crop.
    1. Mentioned or comprised in a proverb; used as a proverb; hence, commonly known; as, a proverbial expression; his meanness was proverbial. In case of excesses, I take the German proverbial cure, by a hair of the same beast, to be the worst. Sir
    A disputant.
    Disapprobation; dislike; censure; adverse judgment.
    A dark brown substance of vegetable origin, allied to curare, and used by the natives of New Granada as an arrow poison.
    So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.
    In a provincial manner.
    1. Turning or looking opposite ways. The temple of Janus, with his two controversal faces. Milton. 2. Controversal. Boyle.
    Expressing approbation; commending; as, an approving smile. -- Ap*prov"ing*ly, adv.
    To wander away; to go astray; to wander far and to weariness.
    1. To pass unfavorable judgment upon; to condemn by an act of the judgment; to regard as wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; to censure; as, to disapprove the conduct of others. 2. To refuse official approbation to; to disallow; to decline
    To lay a stock or branch of a vine in the ground for propagation. Johnson. (more info) plant, OF. provain, from L. propago, -aginis, akin to propagare to
    Of or pertaining to the first Frankish dynasty in Gaul or France. -- n.
    Of or pertaining to the sacrum and that part of the vertebral column immediately anterior to it; as, the sacrovertebral angle.
    The quality of being roundabout; circuitousness.
    Of or pertaining to Provence or its inhabitants.


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