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Word Meanings - CURVET - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A particular leap of a horse, when he raises both his fore legs at once, equally advanced, and, as his fore legs are falling, raises his hind legs, so that all his legs are in the air at once. 2. A prank; a frolic.

Related words: (words related to CURVET)

    The business of a farrier; especially, the art of curing the diseases of horses.
    Gay ornaments; frippery; gewgaws. Thackeray.
    A mounted soldier; a cavalryman. A land crab of the genus Ocypoda, living on the coast of Brazil and the West Indies, noted for running very swiftly. A West Indian fish of the genus Eques, as the light-horseman (E. lanceolatus). (more info) 1.
    A part which acts by falling, as a stamp in a fulling mill, or the device in a spinning machine to arrest motion when a thread breaks. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, falls.
    A rake drawn by a horse.
    1. The flesh of horses. The Chinese eat horseflesh at this day. Bacon. 2. Horses, generally; the qualities of a horse; as, he is a judge of horseflesh. Horseflesh ore , a miner's name for bornite, in allusion to its peculiar reddish color on
    Left untilled or unsowed after plowing; uncultivated; as, fallow ground. Fallow chat, Fallow finch , a small European bird, the wheatear . See Wheatear. (more info) vaal fallow, faded, OHG. falo, G. falb, fahl, Icel. fölr, and prob. to Lith.
    Frolicsome. Richardson.
    Rude, boisterous play. Too much given to horseplay in his raillery. Dryden.
    Pertaining to, or discovered by, Fallopius; as, the Fallopian tubes or oviducts, the ducts or canals which conduct the ova from the ovaries to the uterus.
    1. A professional rider and trainer of race horses. 2. A trainer and dealer in horses.
    The front edge of a supporting surface; -- contr. with following edge, which is the rear edge.
    An exception. Jer. Taylor.
    1. The state or quality of being particular; distinctiveness; circumstantiality; minuteness in detail. 2. That which is particular; as: Peculiar quality; individual characteristic; peculiarity. "An old heathen altar with this particularity."
    supposed LL. abantiare; ab + ante before. The spelling 1. To bring forward; to move towards the van or front; to make to go on. 2. To raise; to elevate. They . . . advanced their eyelids. Shak. 3. To raise to a higher rank; to promote. Ahasueres
    1. In a particular manner; expressly; with a specific reference or interest; in particular; distinctly. 2. In an especial manner; in a high degree; as, a particularly fortunate man; a particularly bad failure. The exact propriety of Virgil
    A coarse American plant of the Mint family . In England, the wild mint .
    The larva of a botfly.
    1. In the van or front. 2. In the front or before others, as regards progress or ideas; as, advanced opinions, advanced thinkers. 3. Far on in life or time. A gentleman advanced in years, with a hard experience written in his wrinkles. Hawthorne.
    To plow for the third time in summer; to trifallow. Tusser.
    Infallible. Shak.
    A mantis.
    To befall, as ill luck; to happen to unluckily. Chaucer.
    A kind of rack, shaped like a double St. Andrew's cross, on which sticks of wood are laid for sawing by hand; -- called also buck, and sawbuck.
    To happen to. I beseech your grace that I may know The worst that may befall me. Shak.
    In an infallible manner; certainly; unfailingly; unerringly. Blair.
    1. A fabulous creature, half horse and half fish, represented in classic mythology as driven by sea dogs or ridden by the Nereids. It is also depicted in heraldry. See Hippocampus. The walrus. Any fish of the genus Hippocampus. Note: In a passage
    A fall or descent of rain; the water, or amount of water, that falls in rain; as, the average annual rainfall of a region. Supplied by the rainfall of the outer ranges of Sinchul and Singaleleh. Hooker.


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