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Word Meanings - CREEPHOLE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A hole or retreat onto which an animal may creep, to escape notice or danger. 2. A subterfuge; an excuse.

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    Excuse. Gower.
    1. The act of animalizing; the giving of animal life, or endowing with animal properties. 2. Conversion into animal matter by the process of assimilation. Owen.
    to D. kruipen, G. kriechen, Icel. krjupa, Sw. krypa, Dan. krybe. Cf. 1. To move along the ground, or on any other surface, on the belly, as a worm or reptile; to move as a child on the hands and knees; to crawl. Ye that walk The earth, and stately
    The theory which seeks to explain certain physiological and pathological by means of animalcules.
    Animal existence or nature. Locke.
    Physically. G. Eliot.
    Furnishing or serving as a retreat. "Our retreatful flood." Chapman.
    1. To free from accusation, or the imputation of fault or blame; to clear from guilt; to release from a charge; to justify by extenuating a fault; to exculpate; to absolve; to acquit. A man's persuasion that a thing is duty, will not excuse him
    1. The act of noting, remarking, or observing; observation by the senses or intellect; cognizance; note. How ready is envy to mingle with the notices we take of other persons ! I. Watts. 2. Intelligence, by whatever means communicated; knowledge
    The act of retreating; specifically, the Hegira. D'Urfey.
    Crawly; having or producing a sensation like that caused by insects creeping on the skin. One's whole blood grew curdling and creepy. R. Browning.
    1. A creeping creature; a reptile. There is one creeping beast, or long creeple (as the name is in Devonshire), that hath a rattle at his tail that doth discover his age. Morton . 2. One who is lame; a cripple. Thou knowest how lame a creeple
    1. One who offers excuses or pleads in extenuation of the fault of another. Swift. 2. One who excuses or forgives another. Shelton.
    1. One versed in the knowledge of animalcules. Keith. 2. A believer in the theory of animalculism.
    That to which one resorts for escape or concealment; an artifice employed to escape censure or the force of an argument, or to justify opinions or conduct; a shift; an evasion. Affect not little shifts and subterfuges, to avoid the force
    1. An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food into an internal cavity or stomach for digestion; by giving carbonic acid to the air and taking oxygen in the process
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    An uneasy sensation as of insects creeping on the skin. She felt a curious, uneasy creepiness. Mrs. Alexander.
    An animal, invisible, or nearly so, to the naked eye. See Infusoria. Note: Many of the so-called animalcules have been shown to be plants, having locomotive powers something like those of animals. Among these are Volvox, the Desmidiacæ, and the
    To creep secretly or privily. Wyclif.


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