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Word Meanings - CRANE'S-BILL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The geranium; -- so named from the long axis of the fruit, which resembles the beak of a crane. Dr. Prior.

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    The pulpy, edible seed vessels of certain plants, especially those grown on branches above ground, as apples, oranges, grapes, melons, berries, etc. See 3. (more info) enjoyment, product, fruit, from frui, p. p. fructus, to enjoy; akin 1. Whatever
    1. Fruit, collectively; fruit, in general; fruitery. The trees . . . ambrosial fruitage bear. Milton. 2. Product or result of any action; effect, good or ill.
    In a nameless manner.
    Capable of being named.
    The state or office of prior; priorate.
    Eujoying; possessing. Boyle.
    1. Without a name; not having been given a name; as, a nameless star. Waller. 2. Undistinguished; not noted or famous. A nameless dwelling and an unknown name. Harte. 3. Not known or mentioned by name; anonymous; as, a nameless writer."Nameless
    One who names, or calls by name.
    A large North American lake trout . It is usually spotted with red, and sometimes weighs over forty pounds. Called also Mackinaw trout, lake trout, lake salmon, salmon trout, togue, and tuladi.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    One that has the same name as another; especially, one called after, or named out of regard to, another.
    Use or possession of anything, especially such as is accompanied with pleasure or satisfaction; pleasure derived from possession or use. "Capacity of fruition." Rogers. "Godlike fruition." Milton. Where I may have fruition of her love. Shak.
    1. Lacking, or not bearing, fruit; barren; destitute of offspring; as, a fruitless tree or shrub; a fruitless marriage. Shak. 2. Productive of no advantage or good effect; vain; idle; useless; unprofitable; as, a fruitless attempt; a fruitless
    Affectedly pretty; weakly sentimental; finical; insipid. Thackeray. Namby-pamby madrigals of love. W. Gifford.
    1. By name; by particular mention; specifically; especially; expressly. Chaucer. The solitariness of man ...God hath namely and principally ordered to prevent by marriage. Milton. 2. That is to say; to wit; videlicet; -- introducing a particular
    1. The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as, priority of application. 2. Precedence; superior rank. Shak. Priority of debts, a superior claim to payment, or a claim to payment before others.
    A distraining or levying of a distress; an impounding. Burrill. (more info) Eng. & Scots Law)
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    The dignity, office, or government, of a prior. T. Warton.
    A lady superior of a priory of nuns, and next in dignity to an abbess.
    A dynamo-electric machine.
    The art or process of measuring forces doing work.
    Pertaining to the movements or force of electric or galvanic currents; dependent on electric force.
    Not producing fruit or offspring; unproductive; infertile; barren; sterile; as, an unfruitful tree or animal; unfruitful soil; an unfruitful life or effort. -- Un*fruit"ful*ly, adv. -- Un*fruit"ful*ness, n.
    An apparatus for measuring force or power; especially, muscular effort of men or animals, or the power developed by a motor, or that required to operate machinery. Note: It usually embodies a spring to be compressed or weight to be sustained by
    A series-wound dynamo. A dynamo running in series with another or others.
    The theory that the various forms of activity in nature are manifestations of the same force. G. H. Lewes.
    A measure for fresh herrings, -- as many as will fill a barrel. H. Miller.
    The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
    An instrument by which the pressure of the blood in the arteries, or veins, is measured by the height to which it will raise a column of mercury; -- called also a hæmomanometer.
    Pertaining to, or characterized by, debility of the vital powers; weak.
    Serving to ornament; characterized by ornament; beautifying; embellishing. Some think it most ornamental to wear their bracelets on their wrists; others, about their ankles. Sir T. Browne.
    The tree itself, which is one of considerable size, with large, lobed leaves. Cloth is made from the bark, and the timber is used for many purposes. Called also breadfruit tree and bread tree. (more info) 1. The fruit of a tree found


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