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Word Meanings - BOTFLY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A dipterous insect of the family (Estridæ, of many different species, some of which are particularly troublesome to domestic animals, as the horse, ox, and sheep, on which they deposit their eggs. A common species is one of the botflies of the

Additional info about word: BOTFLY

A dipterous insect of the family (Estridæ, of many different species, some of which are particularly troublesome to domestic animals, as the horse, ox, and sheep, on which they deposit their eggs. A common species is one of the botflies of the horse , the larvæ of which are taken into the stomach of the animal, where they live several months and pass through their larval states. In tropical America one species sometimes lives under the human skin, and another in the stomach. See Gadfly.

Related words: (words related to BOTFLY)

    A pursuer; a persecutor; a censorious critic. Bailey.
    The business of a farrier; especially, the art of curing the diseases of horses.
    One who makes a deposit, especially of money in bank; -- the correlative of depository.
    In the way of differentiation.
    A mounted soldier; a cavalryman. A land crab of the genus Ocypoda, living on the coast of Brazil and the West Indies, noted for running very swiftly. A West Indian fish of the genus Eques, as the light-horseman (E. lanceolatus). (more info) 1.
    A rake drawn by a horse.
    1. One of the common people; one having no rank of nobility. All below them even their children, were commoners, and in the eye law equal to each other. Hallam. 2. A member of the House of Commons. 3. One who has a joint right in common ground.
    A printer's tool consisting of a metal bar formed into a hammer head at one end and a claw at the other, -- used as a lever and hammer.
    Silly; simple-minded; stupid. Taylor
    1. The flesh of horses. The Chinese eat horseflesh at this day. Bacon. 2. Horses, generally; the qualities of a horse; as, he is a judge of horseflesh. Horseflesh ore , a miner's name for bornite, in allusion to its peculiar reddish color on
    One who practices petty thefts. Shak. There are political sheepbiters as well as pastoral; betrayers of public trusts as well as of private. L'Estrange.
    In a different manner; variously.
    A groupe of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoölogy
    1. The skin of a sheep; or, leather prepared from it. 2. A diploma; -- so called because usually written or printed on parchment prepared from the skin of the sheep.
    Rude, boisterous play. Too much given to horseplay in his raillery. Dryden.
    1. To make domestic; to habituate to home life; as, to domesticate one's self. 2. To cause to be, as it were, of one's family or country; as, to domesticate a foreign custom or word. 3. To tame or reclaim from a wild state; as, to domesticate wild
    Somewhat common; commonplace; vulgar.
    1. Distinct; separate; not the same; other. "Five different churches." Addison. 2. Of various or contrary nature, form, or quality; partially or totally unlike; dissimilar; as, different kinds of food or drink; different states of health; different
    1. Usually; generally; ordinarily; frequently; for the most part; as, confirmed habits commonly continue trough life. 2. In common; familiary. Spenser.
    Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage. Syn. -- Rare; scarce; infrequent; unwonted. -- Un*com"mon*ly, adv. -- Un*com"mon*ness, n.
    A student at Cambridge University, England, who commons, or dines, at the Fellow's table.
    To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc. (more info) 1. To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table. Bacon.
    A mantis.
    A kind of rack, shaped like a double St. Andrew's cross, on which sticks of wood are laid for sawing by hand; -- called also buck, and sawbuck.
    In an indifferent manner; without distinction or preference; impartially; without concern, wish, affection, or aversion; tolerably; passably. That they may truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice, and to


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