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Word Meanings - BITTOCK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A small bit of anything, of indefinite size or quantity; a short distance. Sir W. Scott.

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    Having little wit; not wise; having scanty intellect or judgment.
    A space marked out in the last part of a race course. The horse that ran the whole field out of distance. L'Estrange. Note: In trotting matches under the rules of the American Association, the distance varies with the conditions of the race, being
    Somewhat small. G. W. Cable.
    A circuit formed or closed by a conductor of relatively low resistance because shorter or of relatively great conductivity.
    Short of, or lacking the regular number of, servants or helpers.
    A sucking whale less than one year old; -- so called by sailors.
    An unsweetened breakfast cake shortened with butter or lard, rolled thin, and baked.
    One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.
    1. In a short or brief time or manner; soon; quickly. Chaucer. I shall grow jealous of you shortly. Shak. The armies came shortly in view of each other. Clarendon. 2. In few words; briefly; abruptly; curtly; as, to express ideas more shortly in
    Having short intervals between the joints; -- said of a plant or an animal, especially of a horse whose pastern is too short.
    Having little time to run from the date. "Thy short-dated life." Sandys.
    1. The attribute of being so much, and not more or less; the property of being measurable, or capable of increase and decrease, multiplication and division; greatness; and more concretely, that which answers the question "How much"; measure in
    A man's garment for the hips and thighs; breeches. See Breeches.
    A contagious, constitutional, febrile disease characterized by a peculiar eruption; variola. The cutaneous eruption is at first a collection of papules which become vesicles (first flat, subsequently umbilicated) and then pustules, and finally thick
    Having a short waist.
    To cause to become like the Scotch; to make Scottish.
    In a short manner; briefly; limitedly; abruptly; quickly; as, to stop short in one's course; to turn short. He was taken up very short, and adjudged corrigible for such presumptuous language. Howell. To sell short , to sell, for future delivery,
    Too numerous or variable to make a particular enumeration important; -- said of the parts of a flower, and the like. Also, indeterminate. Indefinite article , the word a or an, used with nouns to denote any one of a common or general class. --
    That which renders pastry short or friable, as butter, lard, etc. (more info) 1. The act of making or becoming short or shorter.
    The player stationed in the field bewtween the second and third bases.
    In a dismal manner; gloomily; sorrowfully; uncomfortably.
    sm$l; akin to D. smal narrow, OS. & OHG. smal small, G. schmal narrow, Dan. & Sw. smal, Goth. smals small, Icel. smali smal cattle, sheep, or goats; cf. Gr. 1. Having little size, compared with other things of the same kind; little in quantity
    To diminish the quantity of; to lessen. Shak.


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