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Word Meanings - BATTERY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The unlawful beating of another. It includes every willful, angry and violent, or negligent touching of another's person or clothes, or anything attached to his person or held by him. Any place where cannon or mortars are mounted, for attack or

Additional info about word: BATTERY

The unlawful beating of another. It includes every willful, angry and violent, or negligent touching of another's person or clothes, or anything attached to his person or held by him. Any place where cannon or mortars are mounted, for attack or defense. Two or more pieces of artillery in the field. A company or division of artillery, including the gunners, guns, horses, and all equipments. In the United States, a battery of flying artillery consists usually of six guns. Barbette battery. See Barbette. -- Battery d'enfilade, or Enfilading battery, one that sweeps the whole length of a line of troops or part of a work. -- Battery en écharpe, one that plays obliquely. -- Battery gun, a gun capable of firing a number, of shots simultaneously or successively without stopping to load. -- Battery wagon, a wagon employed to transport the tools and materials for repair of the carriages, etc., of the battery. -- In battery, projecting, as a gun, into an embrasure or over a parapet in readiness for firing. -- Masked battery, a battery artificially concealed until required to open upon the enemy. -- Out of battery, or From battery, withdrawn, as a gun, to a position for loading. A number of coated jars so connected that they may be charged and discharged simultaneously. An apparatus for generating voltaic electricity. Note: In the trough battery, copper and zinc plates, connected in pairs, divide the trough into cells, which are filled with an acid or oxidizing liquid; the effect is exhibited when wires connected with the two end-plates are brought together. In Daniell's battery, the metals are zinc and copper, the former in dilute sulphuric acid, or a solution of sulphate of zinc, the latter in a saturated solution of sulphate of copper. A modification of this is the common gravity battery, so called from the automatic action of the two fluids, which are separated by their specific gravities. In Grove's battery, platinum is the metal used with zinc; two fluids are used, one of them in a porous cell surrounded by the other. In Bunsen's or the carbon battery, the carbon of gas coke is substituted for the platinum of Grove's. In Leclanché's battery, the elements are zinc in a solution of ammonium chloride, and gas carbon surrounded with manganese dioxide in a porous cell. A secondary battery is a battery which usually has the two plates of the same kind, generally of lead, in dilute sulphuric acid, and which, when traversed by an electric current, becomes charged, and is then capable of giving a current of itself for a time, owing to chemical changes produced by the charging current. A storage battery is a kind of secondary battery used for accumulating and storing the energy of electrical charges or currents, usually by means of chemical work done by them; an accumulator. 5. A number of similar machines or devices in position; an apparatus consisting of a set of similar parts; as, a battery of boilers, of retorts, condensers, etc. (more info) 1. The act of battering or beating.

Related words: (words related to BATTERY)

    Such as can be mounted.
    1. The act of one that mounts. 2. That by which anything is prepared for use, or set off to advantage; equipment; embellishment; setting; as, the mounting of a sword or diamond.
    1. Full of, or containing, mountains; as, the mountainous country of the Swiss. 2. Inhabiting mountains. Bacon. 3. Large as, or resembling, a mountain; huge; of great bulk; as, a mountainous heap. Prior.
    The state or quality of being mountainous.
    Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful. "The beatific vision." South. -- Be`a*tif"ic*al*ly, adv.
    1. In which; in which place, thing, time, respect, or the like; -- used relatively. Her clothes wherein she was clad. Chaucer. There are times wherein a man ought to be cautious as well as innocent. Swift. 2. In what; -- used interrogatively. Yet
    The body of persons employed in some public service, as the army, navy, etc.; -- distinguished from matériel.
    A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is represented as animated, or endowed with personality; prosopopas, the floods clap their hands. "Confusion heards his voice." Milton. (more info) 1. The act of personifying;
    At or in whatever place; wheresoever. He can not but love virtue wherever it is. Atterbury.
    1. The act of placing, or the state of being placed. 2. Position; place.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    1. Of or pertaining to a mountain or mountains; growing or living on a mountain; found on or peculiar to mountains; among mountains; as, a mountain torrent; mountain pines; mountain goats; mountain air; mountain howitzer. 2. Like a mountain;
    Having reference to the placenta; as, the placentary system of classification.
    To make a place kick; to make by a place kick. -- Place"-kick`er, n.
    Ubiquity; omnipresence. Grew.
    See BONE
    In every place; in all places; hence, in every part; throughly; altogether.
    1. To which; -- used relatively. "Whereto we have already attained." Phil. iii. 16. Whereto all bonds do tie me day by day. Shak. 2. To what; to what end; -- used interrogatively.
    The act of beatifying, or the state of being beatified; esp., in the R. C. Church, the act or process of ascertaining and declaring that a deceased person is one of "the blessed," or has attained the second degree of sanctity, -- usually a stage
    1. Considering that; it being the case that; since; -- used to introduce a preamble which is the basis of declarations, affirmations, commands, requests, or like, that follow. 2. When in fact; while on the contrary; the case being in truth that;
    To dismount.
    Whether. Piers Plowman. Men must enquire , Wher she be wise or sober or dronkelewe. Chaucer.
    Blankets, sheets, coverlets, etc., for a bed. Shak.
    The sound of a beaten drum; drum music. Whose morning drumbeat, following the sun, and keeping company with the hours, circles the earth with one continuous and unbroken strain of the martial airs of England. D. Webster.
    Beaten or harassed by the severe weather of winter. Spenser.
    The state or quality of being insurmountable.
    Furnished with an entablature.
    The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes. (more info) 1. The act of replacing.


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