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Word Meanings - ARGONAUT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A cephalopod of the genus Argonauta. (more info) 1. Any one of the legendary Greek heroes who sailed with Jason, in the Argo, in quest of the Golden Fleece.

Related words: (words related to ARGONAUT)

    A boat propelled by a sail or sails.
    Duck or canvas used in making sails.
    The office, or the term of office, of a questor.
    1. Made of gold; consisting of gold. 2. Having the color of gold; as, the golden grain. 3. Very precious; highly valuable; excellent; eminently auspicious; as, golden opinions. Golden age. The fabulous age of primeval simplicity and purity of
    One who follows the business of navigating ships or other vessels; one who understands the practical management of ships; one of the crew of a vessel; a mariner; a common seaman. Syn. -- Mariner; seaman; seafarer. Sailor's choice. An excellent
    Capable of being sailed over; navigable; as, a sailable river.
    One whose occupation is to make or repair sails. -- Sail"mak`ing, n.
    A candidate for honors or degrees who is near the time of his examination. (more info) 1. A questioner; an inquirer.
    The quality or state of being questionable, doubtful, or suspicious.
    A seeker; a pursuer. "Hot questrists after him." Shak.
    A time that will never come, as the Greeks had no calends.
    A little Greek, or one of small esteem or pretensions. B. Jonson.
    Peculiar to Greece.
    One who fleeces or strips unjustly, especially by trickery or fraund. Prynne.
  • SAIL
    1. An extent of canvas or other fabric by means of which the wind is made serviceable as a power for propelling vessels through the water. Behoves him now both sail and oar. Milton. 2. Anything resembling a sail, or regarded as a sail. 3. A wing;
    1. The act of asking; interrogation; inquiry; as, to examine by question and answer. 2. Discussion; debate; hence, objection; dispute; doubt; as, the story is true beyond question; he obeyed without question. There arose a question between some
    The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine. Fleece wool, wool shorn from the sheep. -- Golden fleece. See under Golden. (more info) 1. The entire coat of wood that covers a sheep or other
    1. The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit; as, to rove in quest of game, of a lost child, of property, etc. Upon an hard adventure yet in quest. Spenser. Cease your quest of love. Shak. There ended
    One who seeks; a seeker.
    A duck , found in Northern Europe, Asia, and America. The American variety is larger. Called whistler, garrot, gowdy, pied widgeon, whiteside, curre, and doucker. Barrow's golden-eye of America is less common.
    The act or power of assailing; attack; assault. His most frequent assailment was the headache. Johnson.
    The sail set next above the royal. See Illust. under Sail.
    1. Of or pertaining to horses or horsemen, or to horsemanship; as, equestrian feats, or games. 2. Being or riding on horseback; mounted; as, an equestrian statue. An equestrian lady appeared upon the plains. Spectator. 3. Belonging to, or composed
    One who assails.
    A contraction of Studding sail. With every rag set, stunsails, sky scrapers and all. Lowell.
    A small sail sometimes set under a studding sail or under a driver boom, and reaching nearly to the water.
    A fore-and-aft sail, bent to a gaff, and hoisted on a lower mast or on a small mast, called the trysail mast, close abaft a lower mast; -- used chiefly as a storm sail. Called also spencer. Totten.
    Property acquired by purchase, gift, or otherwise than by inheritance. Bouvier. (more info) acquisitum, for L. acquisitum, p. p. of 1. Acquisition; the thing gained. Bacon.
    A square sail bent upon a yard that hangs obliquely to the mast and is raised or lowered with the sail. Totten.
    Capable of being sequestered; subject or liable to sequestration.
    A subdivision of a genus, comprising one or more species which differ from other species of the genus in some important character or characters; as, the azaleas now constitute a subgenus of Rhododendron.


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