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Word Meanings - ARCHAIZE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To make appear archaic or antique. Mahaffy.

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    appear + parto come forth, to be visible; prob. from the same root as 1. To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible. And God . . . said, Let . . . the dry land appear. Gen. i. 9. 2. To come before the public; as, a great
    The quality of being antique; an appearance of ancient origin and workmanship. We may discover something venerable in the antiqueness of the work. Addison.
    Archaic. -- Ar*cha"ic*al*ly, adv.
    In an antique manner.
    1. Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; as, an antique statue. In this sense it usually refers to the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome. For the antique world excess and pride did hate. Spenser. 2. Old, as respects the present age, or a modern
    One who appears. Sir T. Browne.
    Apparently. Bp. Hall.
    Of or characterized by antiquity or archaism; antiquated; obsolescent.
    The coming into court of either of the parties; the being present in court; the coming into court of a party summoned in an action, either by himself or by his attorney, expressed by a formal entry by the proper officer to that effect; the act or
    p. pr. & vb. n. of Disappear. Disappearing carriage , a carriage for heavy coast guns on which the gun is raised above the parapet for firing and upon discharge is lowered behind the parapet for protection. The standard type of disappearing
    A mottled-green serpentine marble. A green porphyry called oriental verd antique.
    A second or new appearance; the act or state of appearing again.
    The act of disappearing; cessation of appearance; removal from sight; vanishing. Addison.
    Default of apperance, as in court, to prosecute or defend; failure to appear.
    State of worry or excitment; fidget; ill humor. Dickens.
    1. To cease to appear or to be perceived; to pass from view, gradually or suddenly; to vanish; to be no longer seen; as, darkness disappears at the approach of light; a ship disappears as she sails from port. 2. To cease to be or exist; as, the
    To appear again.


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