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Word Meanings - ADVENTURER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. One who adventures; as, the merchant adventurers; one who seeks his fortune in new and hazardous or perilous enterprises. 2. A social pretender on the lookout for advancement.

Related words: (words related to ADVENTURER)

    Pertaining to, or of the nature of, socialism.
    1. Full of, attended with, or involving, peril; dangerous; hazardous; as, a perilous undertaking. Infamous hills, and sandy, perilous wilds. Milton. 2. Daring; reckless; dangerous. Latimer. For I am perilous with knife in hand. Chaucer.
    A female adventurer; a woman who tries to gain position by equivocal means.
    1. To render social. 2. To subject to, or regulate by, socialism.
    The pretender , the son or the grandson of James II., the heir of the royal family of Stuart, who laid claim to the throne of Great Britain, from which the house was excluded by law. It is the shallow, unimproved intellects that are the confident
    The quality of being social; socialness.
    1. The body of merchants taken collectively; as, the merchantry of a country. 2. The business of a merchant; merchandise. Walpole.
    Luckless; also, destitute of a fortune or portion. Spenser.
    1. A careful looking or watching for any object or event. 2. The place from which such observation is made. 3. A person engaged in watching. 4. Object or duty of forethought and care; responsibility.
    Naturally growing in groups or masses; -- said of many individual plants of the same species. Living in communities consisting of males, females, and neuters, as do ants and most bees. Forming compound groups or colonies by budding from
    Full of risk; adventurous; venturesome. -- Ad*ven"ture*some*ness, n.
    Merchantlike; suitable to the character or business of a merchant. Gauden.
    In a social manner; sociably.
    The quality or state of being social.
    A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor. In popular usage, the term is often employed to indicate any lawless, revolutionary
    LL. mercatans, -antis, p. pr. of mercatare to negotiate, L. mercari to traffic, fr. merx, mercis, wares. See Market, Merit, and cf. 1. One who traffics on a large scale, especially with foreign countries; a trafficker; a trader. Others,
    Exposed to hazard; dangerous; risky. To enterprise so hazardous and high! Milton. Syn. -- Perilous; dangerous; bold; daring; adventurous; venturesome; precarious; uncertain. -- Haz"ard*ous*ly, adv. -- Haz"ard*ous*ness, n.
    Fit for market; such as is usually sold in market, or such as will bring the ordinary price; as, merchantable wheat; sometimes, a technical designation for a particular kind or class.
    1. A merchant. Matt. xiii. 45. 2. A trading vessel; a ship employed in the transportation of goods, as, distinguished from a man-of-war.
    Property given, usually by a parent to a child, in advance of a future distribution. 4. Settlement on a wife, or jointure. Bacon. (more info) 1. The act of advancing, or the state of being advanced; progression; improvement; furtherance;
    A form of socialism, esp. advocated in Germany, which, while retaining the right of private property and the institution of the family and other features of the present form of the state, would intervene by various measures intended to
    Not merchantable; not fit for market; being of a kind, quality, or quantity that is unsalable. McElrath.
    A gambling or lottery device consisting of a wheel which is spun horizontally, articles or sums to which certain marks on its circumference point when it stops being distributed according to varying rules.
    Unfriendly to society; contracted; selfish; as, dissocial feelings.
    Any theory or system that aims to combine the teachings of Christ with the teachings of socialism in their applications to life; Christianized socialism; esp., the principles of this nature advocated by F. D. Maurice, Charles Kingsley, and others
    To befall. I wish all good befortune you. Shak.


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