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Read Ebook: The evolution of climate by Brooks C E P Charles Ernest Pelham Simpson G C George Clarke Sir Author Of Introduction Etc

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It is only when we turn to tropical and sub-tropical regions that we find variations of temperature unable to account for increased glaciation. Not only were the changes of land and sea distribution on a very much smaller scale than further north, but the Appendix shows that the temperature value of a corresponding change of land area is also very much less. But the high intertropical mountains--the Andes and Kenya and Kilimanjaro in central Africa--which to-day bear glaciers, in Quaternary times carried much greater ones. We cannot call in a fall of temperature, for the reason above stated, and also because at lower levels there is no evidence of colder conditions. In the Glacial period the marine fauna was the same as to-day, and mountains which now fall short of the snow-line by a few hundred feet were still unglaciated even then. The only alternative is increased snowfall on the higher mountains. Fortunately this fits in well with meteorological theory. The rain and snowfall of tropical regions depends, first of all, on the evaporation over the oceans. But evaporation is profoundly influenced by the velocity of the wind; and the wind, which in the Tropics represents the strength of the atmospheric circulation, depends on the thermal gradient between the equator and the poles; since there is no evidence of any appreciable change of temperature over the Tropics as a whole, while there was a very great fall in cold temperate and polar regions, the thermal gradient, and therefore, ultimately, the tropical and sub-tropical, rain and snowfall must have been very greatly increased. Hence the increased glaciation of high mountains near the equator, and hence also the evidence of "Pluvial periods" in the sub-tropical arid regions on either side of the equator.

Thus during Glacial periods we have:

Elevation in high latitudes caused a great increase of land areas there.

Both elevation and increase of land area resulted in a lowering of temperature, materially increased by the gradual development of great ice-sheets.

These ice-sheets caused the development of subsidiary ice-sheets on their southern and western borders.

The lowering of temperature in high latitudes increased the thermal gradient between equator and poles, resulting in:

Increased snowfall, and hence increased glaciation on high mountains near the equator.

Pluvial periods in the sub-tropical arid regions.


Humphreys, W. J. "Physics of the air." Philadelphia, 1920.

Croll, J. "Climate and time in their geological relations." London, 1875. "Discussions on climate and cosmology." London, 1889.

Spitaler, R. "Das Klima des Eiszeitalters." Prag, 1921. Lithographed.

Simroth, H. "Die Pendulationstheorie." Leipzig, 1908.

Kreichgauer, P. "Die Aequatorfrage in der Geologie." Steyr, 1902.

Hobbs, W. H. "Characteristics of existing glaciers." New York, 1911.


This period fixed, we have a datum for estimating the duration of the interglacial periods. The moraines of the Wurm glaciation present everywhere a very fresh appearance, and the chemical change which the boulders they contain have undergone is slight, while weathering extends to a depth of scarcely a foot. The moraines of the Riss glaciation are weathered somewhat more deeply, and those of the Mindel glaciation very much more. Assuming that chemical weathering has proceeded uniformly during the interglacial periods and ceased during the glaciations, Penck and Br?ckner, who have studied exhaustively the glaciation of the Alps, find that the Riss-Wurm interglacial lasted about three times as long as the interval between the Wurm glaciation and the present day, or 60,000 years, and the Mindel-Riss interglacial about twelve times as long, or 240,000 years. No data are available for the Gunz-Mindel interglacial, but it is provisionally made equal to the Riss-Wurm, another 60,000 years.

No possibility of such direct measurement of the duration of the glacial periods themselves has yet been found. Penck and Br?ckner assume that the duration equalled that of the Riss-Wurm interglacial, or 60,000 years in each case. This seems unnecessarily long. The Yoldia Sea, the deepest part of which coincided with the centre of the Scandinavian glaciation, appears to have reached its greatest depth not more than 6000 years after the maximum of glaciation, indicating a lag of this period. The subsidence of the land due to the weight of the ice-sheet may have commenced some time before the maximum of glaciation, but the duration of the subsidence can hardly have been more than 10,000 years, and this is the limit for the second half of the Wurm glacial period. Further, we know that during the growth of the ice-sheets there was comparatively little melting, for the rivers then had little power of carrying debris. Recent measurements in Greenland give the rate of ice-growth on the surface of the ice-sheet as 40 cm., or 15 inches a year; let us say a foot, and assume a marginal loss equivalent to half this amount over the whole ice-sheet. This gives us an average increase of six inches a year, or 10,000 years for growth to a maximum thickness of 5000 feet. On these grounds the estimated duration of the Rissian glacial period has been reduced to 30,000 years, and that of the Wurm period to 22,000 years. Only in the case of the long and complicated Mindelian period, which, as will be seen later, was virtually a series of overlapping glaciations from various centres, has the figure of 60,000 years been accepted. In the present state of our knowledge no estimate of the duration of the Gunz-Mindel interglacial can have any value, and the dates are accordingly carried back only to the Mindelian. In this way we obtain the time-scale given on page 48.

The fourfold glaciation has been recognized with certainty only in Europe and North America, and even in these countries there is considerable doubt whether the northern ice-sheets shrank back as far as their present narrow limits during the interglacial periods. The long Mindel-Riss interglacial, which was probably the Chellean stage of flint industry, was characterized by a very warmth-loving fauna, and it is possible, even probable, that during this period the glaciers melted completely away, except on the very highest summits. Of the climate of the Gunz-Mindel interglacial , we have comparatively little evidence. If the suggestion put forward in the following chapter is correct, the Gunz-Mindel interglacial was merely a local incident in the glaciation of the Alps, and not a true interglacial at all. Even the Cromer Forest Bed itself is not conclusive, since it is a river deposit largely composed of material drifted from lower latitudes. The Riss-Wurm interglacial nowhere gives us evidence of a climate as warm as the present, and as regards the Scandinavian and Canadian ice-sheets may have been merely an extensive and prolonged oscillation of the ice-edge.

We may, accordingly, consider the Ice Age as fourfold or double, according to the point of view from which we regard it. In the Alps and other mountain ranges on the borders of the great northern ice-sheets, which respond very readily to small changes, it was fourfold. In the peripheral regions of the northern ice-sheets themselves it has an appearance of being threefold or fourfold. In the more central regions of these great ice-sheets, where response to climatic change is very slow, there is no evidence of more than two glaciations; but in these regions, where the destructive effect of the ice reached its maximum, it is only by the merest chance that evidence of interglacial periods is preserved at all. And finally, in all other parts of the world we have evidence of only two glaciations at most.

There is one deposit which is of considerable importance in the study of interglacial climates, and that is the loess. Loess is an exceedingly fine-grained homogeneous deposit resulting from the gradual accumulation of wind-blown dust on a surface sparsely covered with vegetation. It is to be seen accumulating at the present day in parts of south-east Russia and central Asia. Its formation, except in closed basins, needs a climate of the steppe character, with not much rainfall, and especially with a long dry season. Now loess was very extensively developed in Europe during the Quaternary. Its occurrence is peculiar, since it is found most widely developed resting on the deposits of the Rissian glaciation, and is never found resting on the moraines of the Wurm glaciation. A little loess is found below the Riss moraines, and it has also been found between the Riss and Wurm moraines. In the pre-Rissian loess an implement of Acheulian age was discovered in 1910 at Achenheim , by R. R. Schmidt and P. Wernert, indicating that the deposit was formed towards the close of the Chellean industry, when the climate was already cold and dry. In the same section the younger loess seems to fill completely the Riss-Wurm interglacial, since Mousterian implements were found at the base and Aurignacian implements in the middle. The younger loess contains remains of the jerboa and other rodents at present inhabiting the Siberian steppes. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that steppe conditions prevailed in central Europe through practically the whole of the Riss-Wurm interglacial, and the same probably applies to the corresponding pre-Wisconsin interglacial in America. But if a steppe climate prevailed in central Germany there must have been very severe conditions in Scandinavia, and probably the ice-sheet maintained a quite considerable area there throughout the whole period, though without encroaching on the Baltic basin. In North America the loess was deposited by westerly winds, indicating that the ice-development was not sufficient to impose anticyclonic conditions in place of the present prevailing westerly winds, and the same appears to be true of Europe. Similar climatic conditions were developed for a short time at the close of the Wurm glaciation, but without any appreciable development of loess.


Wright, W. B. "The Quaternary Ice-age." London, Macmillan, 1914.

Penck, A., and Br?ckner, E. "Die Alpen in Eiszeitalter." Leipzig, 3 Vols., 1901-9.


The literature of the glacial period in Europe is stupendous and is, further, of a highly contradictory nature. Space does not permit of any summary of the great conflict between the monoglacialists and the polyglacialists; it is sufficient to say that the latter often went to extremes and so laid themselves open to defeat, but the twofold nature of the glaciation is now widely accepted. It must be understood, however, that the following summary represents the views of a certain section of geologists only, views which are not universally held. In the British Isles especially, where the remains of the maximum glaciation completely dominate those of all the others, the theory of a single glaciation still largely prevails.

When ice began to accumulate on the rising Scandinavian plateau it naturally formed at first on the Norwegian mountains near the Atlantic, which was the chief source of snowfall. These mountain glaciers spread rapidly down the steep seaward slopes to the west and more slowly down the gentler landward slopes to the east. At this stage the centre of the ice-sheet, and consequently the centre of the glacial anticyclone, as soon as the latter developed a definite existence, lay quite near the Norwegian coast. Under anticyclonic conditions the circulation of the winds round the centre is in the same direction as the motion of the hands of a watch, combined with an outward inclination at an angle of about thirty to forty-five degrees. Consequently, while the centre lay in Norway, due north of the Alps, the prevailing winds in the latter must have been from north-east, and therefore very cold. Accordingly, this stage is probably contemporaneous with the Gunz glaciation of the Alps. In the same way, over the North Sea area the winds must have been easterly, causing the currents which piled up the great shell-banks of the East Anglian coast, already referred to as marking the end of the Tertiary and beginning of the Quaternary period.

From Sweden and the Gulf of Bothnia the ice spread out in all directions, extending in the east to the foot of the Ural Mountains, which formed an independent centre of glaciation; in the south-east over a large part of European Russia, where it reached as far south as latitude 40? in the Dnieper valley; in the south over almost the whole of Germany as far as the Riesengebirge and Harz Mountains; and in the south-east over the whole of Holland and the North Sea basin. It should be noted that Holland and Denmark were glaciated, not by Norwegian ice, but by ice from the Baltic sheet which had crossed southern Sweden. The North Sea glacier extended across East Anglia as far as Cambridge, while a northern branch of it swept across Caithness and the Orkney and Shetland Islands, but most of the British Isles were glaciated from independent centres--the Scottish Highlands, the Pennines, Cumberland, Wales and northern Ireland.

With the growth of the glaciated area, and particularly with its extension south-westward across the North Sea, the Alpine climate again became very severe, and the local glaciers and Piedmont ice-sheets of the Alps reached their maximum development in the Mindelian. At the same time the central plateau of France developed a local plateau glacier of its own, and the Pyrenees underwent their first and greatest glaciation, no traces of the Gunzian having been found in this range.

The British Isles show an interesting outward migration of the local centres of maximum ice-development. The Scandinavian glacier which invaded East Anglia extended arctic anticyclonic conditions across the North Sea, and induced a heavy snowfall over the high lands of Great Britain. These, in consequence, developed independent glaciers, which on their eastern sides fused with the Scandinavian glacier and, partly by deflecting its flow, partly by intercepting some of its snowfall, pushed it back into the North Sea plain. The Scottish glaciers became strong enough to encroach on Ireland, partly in the north-east, and partly by way of the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel on to the south-east. This further extension of the cold area enabled the Irish glaciers to develop, and these in turn pushed back the Scottish glaciers until Ireland was solely glaciated by Irish ice.

The southern margin of the ice-sheet did not extend beyond the Thames valley, but at some stage the English Channel carried floating ice, which formed the deposits of ice-borne boulders, of which that at Selsey is a well-known example.

This great ice-sheet nowhere formed marked terminal moraines, but its deposits fade away in thin beds of stiff boulder-clay. This absence of moraines is probably connected with the great thickness of the ice-sheets, which did not leave any appreciable nunataks or rocky "islands" exposed in its path, so that there was nothing to give rise to detritus on the surface of the ice. All the transportation had to be carried on beneath the ice-sheets, and these, penetrating into comparatively low latitudes where the sun is powerful in summer, would suffer gradual melting and ablation for some distance from their margins. Near the actual ice-limit the motion must have been slow and the thickness of the ice small, so that conditions were against the accumulation of thick beds of detritus.

On the borders of the ice-sheet the climate cannot have been over-rigorous, for pre-Chellean man was able to live almost up to the ice-edge. The air must have been extremely cold, and there was a belt of high arctic climate round the ice, but in the south and south-west this appears to have been very narrow, and sub-arctic conditions, no worse than those in which many races live to-day, prevailed not very far from the ice. The configuration of the ice-surface largely explains this. A high steeply sloping wall of ice causes intensely violent winds, carrying dense clouds of drift-snow--blizzards, in fact, similar to those now experienced in parts of Antarctica under similar circumstances, which sweep the land bare of all life for a considerable distance. But a low and gradually sloping surface, such as seems to have existed near the borders of the maximum glaciation, favours instead comparatively gentle winds without much drift snow. It is only on the north-west ice-ridge, where ice-cliffs fronted the sea and where severe storms from the Atlantic were frequent in winter, that blizzards occurred.

When the land in Scandinavia began to sink under the ice-load more rapidly than the supply of snow could build up the surface of the ice-sheet the force which pushed out the ice in all directions from the centre gradually died away, and the ice-masses over the North Sea area--now probably again below sea-level--and the low grounds of Europe were left derelict, with no resources but the snowfall on their own surfaces. Under these conditions they melted away more or less rapidly. While these derelict ice-masses were still large, the auxiliary peripheral centres in the Alps, Pyrenees and British Isles maintained an independent existence for a while, probably with fluctuations similar to those which marked the close of the last glaciation in the Alps, though the evidence of these has now been wiped away. It is even likely that the beginnings of the weakening of the central source of supply helped the British ice to divert the Scandinavian ice into the North Sea. Had there been any powerful rivers bearing great masses of detritus from the south, as there are in Siberia, some of these derelict ice-sheets might have been preserved for a time, at least, as "fossil ice," but in western Europe conditions were not favourable for this.

Let us glance for a moment at the probable conditions. One of the dominant features in the present weather of Europe is the accumulation of floating ice in the Arctic basin. This keeps the temperature low and the pressure high--forms in fact during the spring and summer months a temporary glacial anticyclone similar in kind to, though of less intensity than, that which has been described as covering the Scandinavian ice-sheet. This anticyclone maintains on its southern edges a belt of easterly winds, and these winds enter into the general circulation of the earth. Their effect is to push southward the permanent storm-centres normally situated near Iceland and the Aleutian Islands, and it is these storm-centres which play a large part in causing the rainy weather of northern and central Europe. But occasionally--as in the remarkable spring and summer of 1921--these conditions break down. The Arctic Ocean becomes unusually ice-free and warm, the pressure falls, and in consequence the storm-centres move northward. Europe comes under the influence of the permanent anticyclones of sub-tropical latitudes, rain-bearing storms pass far to the northward, and we have a dry warm summer of the Mediterranean type.

This is presumably what happened during the long warm Mindel-Riss interglacial. For some reason, possibly connected with a temporary widening and deepening of the Bering Strait, the waters of the Arctic Ocean became warmer and the amount of floating ice less. Pressure became lower in the polar basin and therefore higher over the Atlantic and Europe, and fine warm conditions prevailed in Europe as the normal climate instead of only as an occasional event.

This warm interval was finally brought to a close by the renewed elevation of Scandinavia, and the ice-sheets began to develop again, heralded by a period of dry steppe climate. This time, however, the conditions were different; the elevation was not so great, and was more local. Hence the resulting glaciation was less intense; it filled the Baltic basin and extended some distance on to the North German plain and into Holland. It failed to reach the coast of Britain, but that it extended some way across the North Sea plain is indicated by the peculiar distribution of the Newer Drift of Britain, to be referred to later. In the north of Norway the slope of the ice towards the sea was very steep, so that many of the coastal hills extended above it as nunataks. The ice extended into the channel between the mainland and the Lofoten Islands , but according to Ahlmann these islands were an independent centre of local glaciation, as the British Isles had been during the preceding period, and the local ice met the main ice-sheet in the fiords. On the coast of Nordland sufficient land lay bare to harbour a small Arctic flora, and Vaero, the southernmost island of Lofoten, had only small hanging snow-banks.

The interpretation of the British glacial deposits is still very much under discussion, but it seems probable that the Scottish highlands formed a subsidiary centre which glaciated the whole of Scotland and north-east England, sending a stream south-eastward, which was prevented from spreading across the North Sea plain by the presence of Scandinavian ice to the east and impinged on the coast of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, just reaching the northern extremity of Norfolk. Many British geologists regard this development as the concluding phase of a single glaciation of Britain, but the differences in the amount of weathering undergone are against such an interpretation. At the same time there were local glaciers in Cumberland, Wales and Ireland.

Investigations at Skaerumhede in Denmark show that this recession of the ice was accompanied by, and presumably due to, a fall in the level of the land relatively to that of the sea, for at the beginning of the oscillation the land lay about 350 feet above its present level, sinking gradually to only 30 feet above present. Even at its best during this interglacial the climate was almost sub-arctic in Denmark. In northern Finland, on the eastern edge of the ice-sheet, there was also an "interglacial," with a slight improvement in the climate accompanying a temporary submergence. But in Scandinavia there are no traces of any interglacial deposits of this period, and considering the cold climates which prevailed in Denmark and North Germany, it seems probable that Scandinavia continued to be glaciated during the whole period.

The mode of life among Mousterian men, who lived during this "interglacial," also points to a severe climate. For at this time man did not live in the open, but in caves and rock-shelters, and the practice of wearing the fur skins of animals as a protection against the cold, begun in the preceding Rissian glacial period, was not discontinued.

After the temporary subsidence had ceased, elevation again set in, causing a readvance of the ice-sheets and glaciers. The limits fell short of those of the preceding maximum, and the climate was not so severe, but in its general character it resembled that of the preceding maximum, but was much stormier, and there were probably frequent blizzards of the Antarctic type, carrying drift-snow. The new ice-sheet carried more surface detritus than its predecessors, presumably because all the high ground was not covered, and it formed high terminal moraines. The close association of cold ice and irregular masses of bare sand and stones, strongly heated by the summer sun, set up a belt of powerful convection very favourable for the development of blizzards; possibly there was something in the nature of an ice-cliff down which the cold winds could blow with great strength. At any rate, man found the near neighbourhood of the ice unpleasant, and went, so that there are no contemporaneous human implements near the moraines. The limits of the Scandinavian ice-sheet ran from the Norwegian coast across Denmark from north to south, through North Germany and northern Russia, and included Finland. The ice probably did not extend far across the North Sea plain, and in the British Isles there was no ice-sheet, but the high mountains of Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cumberland bore small local glaciers, which were long enough to reach the sea in the Scottish highlands. The Alps bore considerable glaciers, indicating a depression of the snow-line of about 3500 feet, corresponding to a temperature 11? F. lower than the present.

After this ice-development had reached its maximum limits and remained there for perhaps a thousand years, retreat set in, and the Scandinavian ice once more withdrew from Germany and Denmark to the Baltic basin. But its edge was never far from the German coast, and occasionally readvanced across it, for numerous fossiliferous deposits are intercalated in boulder-clay. The fauna and flora, which are well known, point to an arctic climate. At its best the mean temperature of July rose to about 50? F., and there was a vegetation period of three or four months with an average temperature of about 40? F., but these relatively mild conditions lasted at most for a few decades or perhaps a century at a time, and the winters were severe throughout. The duration of the whole of this "Baltic Interstadial" was from one to two thousand years.

Next followed the final readvance of the ice forming the great "Baltic" moraines which fringe the Baltic coast of Germany, turning northward in the west into Denmark and in the east into Finland. There was a corresponding re-development of glaciers in the Alps and in the mountains of Ireland and Scotland, though these probably failed to reach the sea even in Scotland. This period gave us a repetition of the climate of the preceding maxima. In this case we have definite evidence of the presence of a belt of easterly winds on the southern side of the ice-sheet, in a series of "barkans" or fossil dunes in Holland, Germany and Galicia. These dunes were formed of fine ice-deposited material, and they are crescent-shaped, with their convexities to the east, indicating that they were built by strong easterly winds. A moment's consideration will show the truth of the latter statement. Suppose there is an isolated round hillock of sand exposed to strong easterly winds. The sand grains will travel up the easterly windward slope of the hillock and roll down the westerly leeward side. In this way the whole hillock will advance very slowly westwards. But in the centre, where the hillock reaches its greatest height, the grains will take longer to reach the highest point than near the edges, where they have not to rise so high. At the edges a strong gust will carry some of the heavier grains right over the dune, while nearer the centre they will be left half-way, and when the gust ceases will perhaps roll back to their original position. In this way the margins of the dune will advance westward more rapidly than the centre, producing the crescent shape with the convex side to the east. At the time of their formation these dunes must have had their steepest side to the westward, but the westerly winds which have prevailed during the last few thousand years have succeeded in modifying that detail, without destroying the general shape of the dunes, and the steepest slopes are now on the eastern side. The preservation of the original shape, in spite of the subsequent development of westerly winds, is due in part to the coating of vegetation, which protected the dunes as soon as more favourable conditions occurred, and probably in part to the lesser velocity of the westerlies. If the period of east winds and dune formation had been long enough, we might have had another deposit of loess, but it was short, and vegetation, which is necessary to the genesis of true loess, had no time to establish itself before the climate changed again with the final retreat of the ice. The climate of this period in Rumania has been ably described by G. Murgoci: "In general the prevailing climate of the time of the formation of loessoid soils and blown sands must have been that which is named by E. de Martonne the aralian climate, a dry climate with some rain in spring to call forth a poor and transient vegetation and to maintain the flowing water in rivers and lakes. The temperature with great extremes, in summer up to 120? F. and in winter below 20? F., was the characteristic of this climate; the atmosphere was very dry in the hot season, but in the rest of the year there was some humidity in the air and moisture in the soil, the water of the subsoil being not very deep. The atmospheric precipitation in this region was caused by the south-west wind just as at present; but the dominant wind giving the character of a dry continental climate was the north-east wind which has left its traces in the fossil dunes of the Baragan."

A history of the changes of climate in Europe which followed the maximum of the last readvance of the ice-sheet must be left to later chapters.


Wahnschaffe, F. "Die Oberfl?chengestaltung des norddeutschen Flachlandes." Stuttgart, 1910.


Our knowledge of the history of the Mediterranean basin during the Glacial period is not nearly so complete as is that of the more northern regions, chiefly for the reason that during most of the period the land lay above its present level, and except for local glaciers in the mountain regions there was no ice to leave us a record of the changing climates. Most of what we do know relates to the relatively brief periods of submergence.

The Calabrian beach is not found on the coast of Spain or at Gibraltar, and in Algeria it probably occurs at a lower level. This suggests that the subsidence at this period was local, and the western lands stood up as a barrier against the Atlantic. There must have been a channel of some sort, however, on the site of the present Straits of Gibraltar, to provide an inlet for the immigrating northern mollusca. In the Maritime Alps, and again in the eastern Mediterranean, the Calabrian beaches are at a much greater height owing to local elevation.

After the formation of the Calabrian beach the whole Mediterranean region was elevated above its present level. This elevation must be contemporaneous with the period of maximum elevation in north-west Europe associated with the great Mindelian glaciation. It is suggested that the "sill" of the outlet channel at Gibraltar was raised above the level of the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean became, first a closed salt lake, and then a pair of lakes, the eastern fresh draining into the western, which was salt, the two being separated by a ridge of land between Italy and Tunis. This period of elevation was long enough for a great deal of denudation to take place. Even in the Mediterranean this was a time of severe climate. On the eastern side of Gibraltar there are breccias, known as the "Older Limestone Agglomerate," which reach a thickness of 100 feet in places, and are now much weathered. Similar agglomerates are found in Malta. These resemble the "head" of the south of England, and appear to be due to frost action in a severe climate. In Corsica there are traces of four periods of mountain glaciation, and the two oldest of these are provisionally correlated with the Gunzian and Mindelian of the Alps. In the Balkan highlands there are traces of two distinct glaciations: the older, which was the more general and reached the greater intensity, probably corresponding to the Mindelian. In the Atlas Mountains there are great boulder moraines which seem to belong to three distinct glaciations, the oldest extending to about 2000 feet above sea-level, and the second terminating at about 4000 feet, while the third glaciation consisted of small valley glaciers only.

Towards the close of the Mindelian glacial period the land sank or the ocean rose again, and the waters of the Atlantic poured in, bringing with them a great number of high northern and Arctic mollusca. The theory has been put forward that this influx was in the nature of a debacle and carved out a deep gorge through the present Straits of Gibraltar. The beaches deposited by this sea lie at a height of 250 to 330 feet above the present sea-level. The fauna resembles that inhabiting the northernmost parts of Europe at the present day, and the waters must have been several degrees colder than at present. This stage is termed the Sicilian.

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