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Read Ebook: Childhood's happy home and other verses by Kayhart Lemuel

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Ebook has 128 lines and 13564 words, and 3 pages

Here's to the man, too honest to cheat, Here's to the butcher who sells us good meat, May he live long and happy with plentiful store, And when we're all hungry, stop at our door.

Here's to our parents, we speak it with cheer, Of all of our kindred we love them most dear, They nursed and they watched us in childhood and youth, They guided our footsteps in justice and truth.

Here's to the man without any wife, May he soon take a partner to comfort his life, Here's to his children whenever they come, They'll make him more noise than Hessey's big drum.

Here's to the man with his millions of cash, Here's to the beggar who begs for his hash, Here's to the man who has plenty to give, Here's to the man who works hard to live.

Here's to the doctor and here's to the priest, Here's to the heathen far out in the east, Here's to the lawyer and here's to the judge, Here's to the devil who owes them a grudge.

Here's to the statesman who's honest and true, Here's to the sheriff who hung old Guiteau, Here's to the Giant and Commodore Dot, Here's to the people whom I've forgot.

Here's to the pilgrims--our father's band,-- Who crossed the wide ocean to free us a land, Here's to their courage, the world it outstrips, Here's to the heroes of Seventy-six.

Here's to the soldiers who battled the foe, And death, death to treason as you all know, Here's to the sailors, those noble jack tars, So nobly they fought for the stripes and the stars.

Here's to the boys who fell in the strife, To save us a nation each gave his own life; Here's to the sailors who bleach on the surf, Here's to the soldiers who sleep 'neath the turf.

Here's to our Lincoln--although he is dead, And calmly he rests in his green, mossy bed,-- His earthly career, although it is passed, On history's pages forever will last.

Here's to our country, sweet land of the free, Here's to our nation's great liberty tree, Here's to our banner to freedom unfurled, Here's to our eagle, king bird of the world.

Here's to our Union, as firm as the hills, Here's to the rivers that turn the great mills, Here's to our mountains of silver and gold, Our riches and power can never be told.

Here's to our party--our friends with the rest,-- And here's to the people we each love best, May we live in the future like lambs of one flock, And all work together like the works of a clock.

And now I will stop, I've toasted to all, Our country, our banner, the great and the small, So now I will bid you a friendly adieu, Three roaring cheers for the Red, White and Blue!

Footnote 1:

Spoken by Lemuel Kayhart at the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Kayhart, on Monday, August 12, 1889, at Montville, N. J.



There is a land beyond the skies, Where joy and pleasure never dies; A land from sin and sorrow free, Oh! how I long that land to see.

I fain would leave this world of woe, And to that happy land I'd go; I'd bid adieu to earthly ties And reign with Him beyond the skies.

Who made this world, the shining sun, And bid the stars their courses run? Who formed the land, who made the trees, The mighty oceans and the seas?

Who reared the mountains crowned in green, The winding rivers roll between; And all that's seen by human eyes, And all beyond the bright blue skies?

Who scattered countless worlds through space To onward plod their weary race, Till God shall stand on sea and shore, Declaring time shall be no more?

Oh! great Jehovah, faithful friend, On Thee our fainting souls depend; Guide us with unerring eye, To realms of bliss beyond the sky.

Beautiful land, enchanted land, Where angels to me beckoning stand, To call me from this earth away To reign with Christ in endless day.

The dear ones in that happy land, Methinks I see them hand in hand; A sister and a darling boy, And oh! it thrills my soul with joy--

To think of meeting them again, Beyond this world of care and pain; Glorious anthems there will rise, When I get home beyond the skies.

Beautiful land, land of light, The angels robed in pearly white; My very soul within me sighs, To gain that land beyond the skies.

No troubles there will mar our peace, Our pleasures there will never cease; No tears of grief will dim our eyes, In that bright land beyond the skies.

Beautiful land with streets of gold, Thy splendors half can ne'er be told; When shall my soul to thee arise-- Jehovah's throne beyond the skies.

This life is but a troubled dream; When shall I cross cold Jordan's stream? Oh! hasten death, my soul replies, To waft me home beyond the skies.


O Lord, our Father, hear us now, While on our bended knees we bow; Look down, O Lord, in tender love, Prepare us all to meet above.

O Lord, our Father, hear us pray, Watch over us from day to day; Hear us in our humble prayer, O keep us safely in Thy care.

O help us, Lord, to pray aright, And keep us holy in Thy sight; Protect us with Thy mighty arm And keep us from temptation's harm.

Bless and make us pure within, Wash us, cleanse us free from sin; Protect us with Thy mighty hand, Prepare us for the promised land.

O Lord, come down in mighty power, Revive us all this very hour; O lift us from this pit of mire, And fill our souls with heavenly fire.

Come with love's refreshing showers, And kindle these cold hearts of ours; O guide us in the narrow path, Lord save us from Thy coming wrath.

And when we leave this world of strife O give us all eternal life; Arm us, Lord, with wings of love, To leave this world and fly above.

Into Thy care, O Lord, we leave, In peace, O Lord, our souls receive; We ask it all, O Lord, we may, Through Him Who taught us all to say:

Our Father, Who art in heaven, we pray, Hallowed be Thy name this day; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, In earth and up in heaven as one.

Give us this day our daily bread, 'Tis from Thy bounties all are fed; Our trespasses, O Lord, forgive, As we our trespassers forgive.

Dear Lord, with tempters leave us not, Deliver us from evil's plot; Thy name shall have the glory then, Forever and for aye. Amen.


My bosom swells with fervent grief, My heart aches to its core, See him struggling, he is dying, Our Walter is no more!

When we laid him 'neath the turf In the cold, cold ground, A cloud of darkness seemed to rise Which covered all around.

But when I looked up at the stars, Beyond the heavenly dome, There with loving outstretched arms Angels welcomed Walter home!

Farewell, Walter, farewell darling, Life is but a barren strand, Soon we'll meet thee, happy child, In that far-off happy land!

Footnote 2:

Verses written upon the death of J. Walter Kayhart, son of Lemuel and Mary Kayhart, who died August 15th, 1875.


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