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Read Ebook: Electricity by McCormick W H William Henry

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Ebook has 585 lines and 88097 words, and 12 pages

























Although the science of electricity is of comparatively recent date, electricity itself has existed from the beginning of the world. There can be no doubt that man's introduction to electricity was brought about through the medium of the thunderstorm, and from very early times come down to us records of the terror inspired by thunder and lightning, and of the ways in which the ancients tried to account for the phenomena. Even to-day, although we know what lightning is and how it is produced, a severe thunderstorm fills us with a certain amount of awe, if not fear; and we can understand what a terrifying experience it must have been to the ancients, who had none of our knowledge.

These early people had simple minds, and from our point of view they had little intelligence; but they possessed a great deal of curiosity. They were just as anxious to explain things as we are, and so they were not content until they had invented an explanation of lightning and thunder. Their favourite way of accounting for anything they did not understand was to make up a sort of romance about it. They believed that the heavens were inhabited by various gods, who showed their pleasure or anger by signs, and so they naturally concluded that thunder was the voice of angry gods, and lightning the weapon with which they struck down those who had displeased them. Prayers and sacrifices were therefore offered to the gods, in the hope of appeasing their wrath.

Greek and Roman mythology contains many references to thunder and lightning. For instance, we read about the great god Zeus, who wielded thunder-bolts which had been forged in underground furnaces by the giant Cyclops. There was no doubt that the thunder-bolts were made in this way, because one only had to visit a volcano in order to see the smoke from the furnace, and hear the rumbling echo of the far-off hammering. Then we are told the tragic story of Phaeton, son of the Sun-god. This youth, like many others since his time, was daring and venturesome, and imagined that he could do things quite as well as his father. On one occasion he tried to drive his father's chariot, and, as might have been expected, it got beyond his control, and came dangerously near the Earth. The land was scorched, the oceans were dried up, and the whole Earth was threatened with utter destruction. In order to prevent such a frightful catastrophe, Jupiter, the mighty lord of the heavens, hurled a thunder-bolt at Phaeton, and struck him from the chariot into the river Po. A whole book could be written about these ancient legends concerning the thunderstorm, but, interesting as they are, they have no scientific value, and many centuries were to elapse before the real nature of lightning was understood.

In order to trace the first glimmerings of electrical knowledge we must leave the thunderstorm and pass on to more trivial matters. On certain sea-coasts the ancients found a transparent yellow substance capable of taking a high polish, and much to be desired as an ornament; and about 600 years B.C. it was discovered that this substance, when rubbed, gained the power of drawing to it bits of straw, feathers, and other light bodies. This discovery is generally credited to a Greek philosopher named Thales, 941-563 B.C., and it must be regarded as the first step towards the foundation of electrical science. The yellow substance was amber. We now know it to be simply a sort of fossilized resin, but the Greeks gave it a much more romantic origin. When Phaeton's rashness brought him to an untimely end, his sorrowing sisters, the Heliades, were changed into poplar trees, and their tears into amber. Amongst the names given to the Sun-god was Alector, which means the shining one, and so the tears of the Heliades came to have the name Electron, or the shining thing. Unlike most of the old legends, this story of the fate of the Sun-maidens is of great importance to us, for from the word "electron" we get the name Electricity.

Thales and his contemporaries seem to have made no serious attempts to explain the attraction of the rubbed amber, and indeed so little importance was attached to the discovery that it was completely forgotten. About 321 B.C. one Theophrastus found that a certain mineral called "lyncurium" gained attractive powers when rubbed, but again little attention was paid to the matter, and astonishing as it may seem, no further progress worth mention was made until towards the close of the sixteenth century, when Doctor Gilbert of Colchester began to experiment seriously. This man was born about 1543, and took his degree of doctor of medicine at Cambridge in 1569. He was very successful in his medical work, and became President of the College of Physicians, and later on physician to Queen Elizabeth. He had a true instinct for scientific research, and was not content to accept statements on the authority of others, but tested everything for himself. He found that sulphur, resin, sealing-wax, and many other substances behaved like amber when rubbed, but he failed to get any results from certain other substances, such as the metals. He therefore called the former substances "electrics," and the latter "anelectrics," or non-electrics. His researches were continued by other investigators, and from him dates the science of electricity.

Leaving historical matters for the present, we will examine the curious power which is gained by substances as the result of rubbing. Amber is not always obtainable, and so we will use in its place a glass rod and a stick of sealing-wax. If the glass rod is rubbed briskly with a dry silk handkerchief, and then held close to a number of very small bits of paper, the bits are immediately drawn to the rod, and the same thing occurs if the stick of sealing-wax is substituted for the glass. This power of attraction is due to the presence of a small charge of electricity on the rubbed glass and sealing-wax, or in other words, the two substances are said to be electrified. Bits of paper are unsatisfactory for careful experimenting, and instead of them we will use the simple piece of apparatus shown in Fig. 1. This consists of a ball of elder pith, suspended from a glass support by means of a silk thread. If now we repeat our experiments with the electrified glass or sealing-wax we find that the little ball is attracted in the same way as the bits of paper. But if we look carefully we shall notice that attraction is not the only effect, for as soon as the ball touches the electrified body it is driven away or repelled. Now let us suspend, by means of a thread, a glass rod which has been electrified by rubbing it with silk, and bring near it in turn another silk-rubbed glass rod and a stick of sealing-wax rubbed with flannel. The two glass rods are found to repel one another, whereas the sealing-wax attracts the glass. If the experiment is repeated with a suspended stick of sealing-wax rubbed with flannel, the glass and the sealing-wax attract each other, but the two sticks of wax repel one another. Both glass and sealing-wax are electrified, as may be seen by bringing them near the pith ball, but there must be some difference between them as we get attraction in one case and repulsion in the other.

The explanation is that the electric charges on the silk-rubbed glass and on the flannel-rubbed sealing-wax are of different kinds, the former being called positive, and the latter negative. Bodies with similar charges, such as the two glass rods, repel one another; while bodies with unlike charges, such as the glass and the sealing-wax, attract each other. We can now see why the pith ball was first attracted and then repelled. To start with, the ball was not electrified, and was attracted when the rubbed glass or sealing-wax was brought near it. When however the ball touched the electrified body it received a share of the latter's electricity, and as similar charges repel one another, the ball was driven away.

The kind of electricity produced depends not only on the substance rubbed, but also on the material used as the rubber. For instance, we can give glass a negative charge by rubbing it with flannel, and sealing-wax becomes positively charged when rubbed with silk. The important point to remember is that there are only two kinds of electricity, and that every substance electrified by rubbing is charged either positively, like the silk-rubbed glass, or negatively, like the flannel-rubbed sealing-wax.

If we try to electrify a metal rod by holding it in the hand and rubbing it, we get no result, but if we fasten to the metal a handle of glass, and hold it by this while rubbing, we find that it becomes electrified in the same way as the glass rod or the sealing-wax. Substances such as glass do not allow electricity to pass along them, so that in rubbing a glass rod the part rubbed becomes charged, and the electricity stays there, being unable to spread to the other parts of the rod. Substances such as metals allow electricity to pass easily, so that when a metal rod is rubbed electricity is produced, but it immediately spreads over the whole rod, reaches the hand, and escapes. If we wish the metal to retain its charge we must provide it with a handle of glass or of some other material which does not allow electricity to pass. Dr. Gilbert did not know this, and so he came to the conclusion that metals were non-electrics, or could not be electrified.

So far we have mentioned only the electric charge produced on the substance rubbed, but the material used as rubber also becomes electrified. The two charges, however, are not alike, but one is always positive and the other negative. For instance, if glass is rubbed with silk, the glass receives a positive, and the silk a negative charge. It also can be shown that the two opposite charges are always equal in quantity.

The two kinds of electricity are generally represented by the signs + and -, the former standing for positive and the latter for negative electricity.

The electricity produced by rubbing, or friction, is known as Static Electricity; that is, electricity in a state of rest, as distinguished from electricity in motion, or current electricity. The word static is derived from a Greek word meaning to stand. At the same time it must be understood that this electricity of friction is at rest only in the sense that it is a prisoner, unable to move. When we produce a charge of static electricity on a glass rod, by rubbing it, the electricity would escape fast enough if it could. It has only two possible ways of escape, along the rod and through the air, and as both glass and air are non-conductors it is obliged to remain at rest where it was produced. On the other hand, as we have seen, the electricity produced by rubbing a metal rod which is not protected by an insulating handle escapes instantly, because the metal is a good conductor.

Curiously enough, static electricity has been detected in the act of interfering with the work of its twin brother, current electricity. A little while ago it was noticed that the electric incandescent lamps in a certain building were lasting only a very short time, the filaments being found broken after comparatively little use. Investigations showed that the boy was in the habit of dusting the lamp globes with a feather duster. The friction set up in this way produced charges of electricity on the glass, and this had the effect of breaking the filaments. When this method of dusting was discontinued the trouble ceased, and the lamps lasted their proper number of hours.


In order to understand the working of influence machines, it is necessary to have a clear idea of what is meant by the word influence as used in an electrical sense. In the previous chapter we saw that a pith ball was attracted by an electrified body, and that when the ball touched that body it received a charge of electricity. We now have to learn that one body can receive a charge from another body without actual contact, by what is called "influence," or electro-static induction. In Fig. 2 is seen a simple arrangement for showing this influence or induction. A is a glass ball, and BC a piece of metal, either solid or hollow, made somewhat in the shape of a sausage, and insulated by means of its glass support. Three pairs of pith balls are suspended from BC as shown. If A is electrified positively, and brought near BC, the pith balls at B and C repel one another, showing that the ends of BC are electrified. No repulsion takes place between the two pith balls at the middle, indicating that this part of BC is not electrified. If the charges at B and C are tested they are found to be of opposite kinds, that at B being negative, and that at C positive. Thus it appears that the positive charge on A has attracted a negative charge to B, and repelled a positive one to C. If A is taken away, the two opposite charges on BC unite and neutralise one another, and BC is left in its original uncharged condition, while A is found to have lost none of its own charge. If BC is made in two parts, and if these are separated while under the influence of A, the two charges cannot unite when A is removed, but remain each on its own half of BC. In this experiment A is said to have induced electrification on BC. Induction will take place across a considerable distance, and it is not stopped by the interposition of obstacles such as a sheet of glass.

We can now understand why an electrified body attracts an unelectrified body, as in our pith ball experiments. If we bring a positively charged glass rod near a pith ball, the latter becomes electrified by induction, the side nearer the rod receiving a negative, and the farther side a positive charge. One half of the ball is therefore attracted and the other half repelled, but as the attracted half is the nearer, the attraction is stronger than the repulsion, and so the ball moves towards the rod.

The theory of the electrophorus is easy to understand from what we have already learnt about influence. When the disc B is placed on the charged cake A, the two surfaces are really in contact at only three or four points, because neither of them is a true plane; so that on the whole the disc and the cake are like A and BC in Fig. 2, only much closer together. The negative charge on A acts by induction on the disc B, attracting a positive charge to the under side, and repelling a negative charge to the upper side. When the disc is touched, the negative charge on the upper side escapes, but the positive charge remains, being as it were held fast by the attraction of the negative charge on A. If the disc is now raised, the positive charge is no longer bound on the under side, and it therefore spreads over both surfaces, remaining there because its escape is cut off by the insulating handle.

We may now try to understand the working of influence machines, which are really mechanically worked electrophori. There are various types of such machines, but the one in most general use in this country is that known as the Wimshurst machine, Fig. 4, and we will therefore confine ourselves to this. It consists of two circular plates of varnished glass or of ebonite, placed close together and so geared that they rotate in opposite directions. On the outer surfaces of the plates are cemented sectors of metal foil, at equal distances apart. Each plate has the same number of sectors, so that at any given moment the sectors on one plate are exactly opposite those on the other. Across the outer surface of each plate is fixed a rod of metal carrying at its ends light tinsel brushes, which are adjusted to touch the sectors as they pass when the plates are rotated. These rods are placed at an angle to each other of from sixty to ninety degrees, and the brushes are called neutralizing brushes. The machine is now complete for generating purposes, but in order to collect the electricity two pairs of insulated metal combs are provided, one pair at each end of the horizontal diameter, with the teeth pointing inward towards the plates, but not touching them. The collecting combs are fitted with adjustable discharging rods terminating in round knobs.

The principle upon which the machine works will be best understood by reference to Fig. 5. In this diagram the inner circle represents the front plate, with neutralizing brushes A and B, and the outer one represents the back plate, with brushes C and D. The sectors are shown heavily shaded. E and F are the pairs of combs, and the plates rotate in the direction of the arrows. Let us suppose one of the sectors at the top of the back plate to have a slight positive charge. As the plates rotate this sector will come opposite to a front plate sector touched by brush A, and it will induce a slight negative charge on the latter sector, at the same time repelling a positive charge along the rod to the sector touched by brush B. The two sectors carrying the induced charges now move on until opposite back plate sectors touched by brushes C and D, and these back sectors will receive by induction positive and negative charges respectively. This process continues as the plates rotate, and finally all the sectors moving towards comb E will be positively charged, while those approaching comb F will be negatively charged. The combs collect these charges, and the discharging rods K and L become highly electrified, K positively and L negatively, and if they are near enough together sparks will pass between them.

At the commencement we supposed one of the sectors to have a positive charge, but it is not necessary to charge a sector specially, for the machine is self-starting. Why this is the case is not yet thoroughly understood, but probably the explanation is that at any particular moment no two places in the atmosphere are in exactly the same electro-static condition, so that an uneven state of charge exists permanently amongst the sectors.

The Wimshurst machine provides us with a plentiful supply of electricity, and the question naturally arises, "Can this electricity be stored up in any way?" In 1745, long before the days of influence machines, a certain Bishop of Pomerania, Von Kleist by name, got the idea that if he could persuade a charge of electricity to go into a glass bottle he would be able to capture it, because glass was a non-conductor. So he partly filled a bottle with water, led a wire down into the water, and while holding the bottle in one hand connected the wire to a primitive form of electric machine. When he thought he had got enough electricity he tried to remove his bottle in order to examine the contents, and in so doing he received a shock which scared him considerably. He had succeeded in storing electricity in his bottle. Shortly afterwards the bishop's experiment was repeated by Professor Muschenbrock of Leyden, and by his pupil Cuneus, the former being so startled by the shock that he wrote, "I would not take a second shock for the kingdom of France." But in spite of shocks the end was achieved; it was proved that electricity could be collected and stored up, and the bottle became known as the Leyden jar. The original idea was soon improved upon, water being replaced by a coating of tinfoil, and it was found that better results were obtained by coating the outside of the bottle as well as the inside.

As now used the Leyden jar consists of a glass jar covered inside and outside with tinfoil up to about two-thirds of its height. A wooden lid is fitted, through which passes a brass rod terminating above in a brass knob, and below in a piece of brass chain long enough to touch the foil lining. A Leyden jar is charged by holding it in one hand with its knob presented to the discharging ball of a Wimshurst machine, and even if the machine is small and feeble the jar will accumulate electricity until it is very highly charged. It may now be put down on the table, and if it is clean and quite dry it will hold its charge for some time. If the outer and inner coatings of the jar are connected by means of a piece of metal, the electricity will be discharged in the form of a bright spark. A Leyden jar is usually discharged by means of discharging tongs, consisting of a jointed brass rod with brass terminal knobs and glass handles. One knob is placed in contact with the outer coating of foil, and the other brought near to the knob of the jar, which of course is connected with the inner coating.

The electrical capacity of even a small Leyden jar is surprisingly great, and this is due to the mutual attraction between opposite kinds of electricity. If we stick a piece of tinfoil on the centre of each face of a pane of glass, and charge one positively and the other negatively, the two charges attract each other through the glass; and in fact they hold on to each other so strongly that we can get very little electricity by touching either piece of foil. This mutual attraction enables us to charge the two pieces of foil much more strongly than if they were each on a separate pane, and this is the secret of the working of the Leyden jar. If the knob of the jar is held to the positive ball of a Wimshurst, the inside coating receives a positive charge, which acts inductively on the outside coating, attracting a negative charge to the inner face of the latter, and repelling a positive charge to its outer face, and thence away through the hand. The electricity is entirely confined to the sides of the jar, the interior having no charge whatever.

Leyden jars are very often fitted to a Wimshurst machine as shown at A, A, Fig. 4, and arranged so that they can be connected or disconnected to the collecting combs as desired. When the jars are disconnected the machine gives a rapid succession of thin sparks, but when the jars are connected to the combs they accumulate a number of charges before the discharge takes place, with the result that the sparks are thicker, but occur at less frequent intervals.

It will have been noticed that the rod of a Leyden jar and the discharging rods of a Wimshurst machine are made to terminate not in points, but in rounded knobs or balls. The reason of this is that electricity rapidly leaks away from points. If we electrify a conductor shaped like a cone with a sharp point, the density of the electricity is greatest at that point, and when it becomes sufficiently great the particles of air near the point become electrified and repelled. Other particles take their place, and are electrified and repelled in the same way, and so a constant loss of electricity takes place. This may be shown in an interesting way by fastening with wax a needle to the knob of a Wimshurst. If a lighted taper is held to the point of the needle while the machine is in action, the flame is blown aside by the streams of repelled air, which form a sort of electric wind.


If the Leyden jars of a Wimshurst machine are connected up and the discharging balls placed at a suitable distance apart, the electricity produced by rotating the plates is discharged in the form of a brilliant zigzag spark between the balls, accompanied by a sharp crack. The resemblance between this spark and forked lightning is at once evident, and in fact it is lightning in miniature. The discharging balls are charged, as we have seen, with opposite kinds of electricity, and these charges are constantly trying to reach one another across the intervening air, which, being an insulator, vigorously opposes their passage. There is thus a kind of struggle going on between the air and the two charges of electricity, and this keeps the air in a state of constant strain. But the resisting power of the air is limited, and when the charges reach a certain strength the electricity violently forces its way across, literally rupturing or splitting the air. The particles of air along the path of the discharge are rendered incandescent by the heat produced by the passage of the electricity, and so the brilliant flash is produced. Just as a river winds about seeking the easiest course, so the electricity takes the path of least resistance, which probably is determined by the particles of dust in the air, and also by the density of the air, which becomes compressed in front, leaving less dense air and therefore an easier path on each side.

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