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Read Ebook: Coloured engravings of heaths; vol. 1 by Andrews Henry Cranke Active

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Ebook has 1924 lines and 37343 words, and 39 pages

HEATH, whose tips have two horns at their base, and within the blossoms, which are extremely long, clammy, furrowed, of an inch and a half in length, the segments large, and heart-shaped; the leaves grow by fours.


The STEM, as well as the larger and smaller branches, are thread-shaped, and supple; the branches are simple, and long.

The LEAVES grow by threes, spreading out at the end, sawed, sharp-pointed, thick and furrowed underneath.

The FLOWERS grow at the summit of the branches, three in a bunch, and upright; the foot-stalks are very long, and purple, having three coloured floral leaves.

EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are spathula-shaped, thick, clammy, blunt at their ends, and hollow, without.

The BLOSSOM is an inch and a half long, channelled, and linear, swelled at the end, and narrowed at the mouth; the segments of the border are very large, and expanded; of a light flesh colour on the outside, white within.

CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads twirled; tips two horned at their base, the points horned, and within the blossom.

POINTAL. Seed-vessel oblong, and furrowed; the shaft straight, thread-shaped, purple, and without the blossom; summit four-cornered.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

Flowers from July, till October.


ERICA albens.


ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis ventricosis, axillaribus, solitariis, sub-albidis; foliis ternis, trigonis.


CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, ramosus, gracilis; rami simplices.

FOLIA terna, trigona, linearia, acuta, glabra, subtus tenuissime sulcata, erecta; petiolis adpressis.

FLORES in axillis foliorum solitarii, cernui, sub-albicantes; pedunculis curvatis, albidis.

COBOLLA ventricosa, ore arctata; limbo quadrilobo, laciniis aequalibus, acuminatis, revolutis.

STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, curvata, receptaculo inserta. Antherae muticae, inclusae.

PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, glabrum. Stylus linearis, curvatus, sub-exsertus. Stigma tetragonum.

Habitat ad Caput Bonae Spei.

Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium.



HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are swelled at the lower part, growing singly at the base of the leaves, and whitish; the leaves grow by threes, and are three-sided.


STEM shrubby, grows a foot high, upright, branching, and slender; the branches are simple.

LEAVES grow by threes, are three-sided, linear, sharp-pointed, smooth, slightly furrowed on the under part, and upright; the foot-stalks are pressed to the stem.

The FLOWERS grow from the bottom of the foot-stalks of the leaves, singly, are bent downward, and whitish; the foot-stalks are curved, and whitish.

EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are coloured, sharp-pointed, and pressed to the blossom.

BLOSSOM swelled at the lower part, and straitened at the mouth; the border is four-lobed; segments equal, pointed, and rolled back.

CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, which are bent, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, within the blossom.

POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and smooth. Shaft linear, curved, and just without the blossom. Summit four-cornered.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

Flowers from April, till July.


ERICA ampullacea.


ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; foliis quaternis, retortis; floribus viscosis, umbellatis, ampullaceis, striatis, sub-sesquipollicaribus.


CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus; rami flexuosi, filiformes.

FOLIA quaterna, trigona, ciliata, retorta, mucronata, supra plana, subtus sulcata; petioli brevissimi, adpressi.

FLORES umbellati, saepe quatuor, viscosi, terminales; pedunculi longi, bracteis tribus spathulatis instructi.

COROLLA basi inflata, apice attenuata, longitudinaliter striata, sub-sesquipollicaria, ore arctata, saturate purpurea; laciniis ovatis, expansis.

STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antherae inclusae, bifidae, basi bicornes.

PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus exsertus, filiformis. Stigma tetragonum, virescens.

Habitat ad Caput Bonae Spei.

Floret a mense Julii ad Octobrem.


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