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Read Ebook: The books of Chronicles by Elmslie W A L William Alexander Leslie Kirkpatrick A F Alexander Francis Editor

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Ebook has 1944 lines and 206127 words, and 39 pages

vi. 1-81 The tribe of Levi:

vii. 1-40 Genealogies of Issachar, Zebulun , Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, and Asher.

viii. 1-40 Genealogies of Benjamin:

ix. 1-17 The heads of the families of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, which dwelt in Jerusalem.

x.-xxix. DAVID.

x. 1-14 . The death of Saul at the battle of Gilboa.

xi. 1-9 . Coronation of David and capture of Jebus.

xii. 1-40 David's adherents who brought him to the kingdom.

xiii. 1-14 . The removal of the Ark from Kiriath-jearim. Death of Uzza.

xiv. 1-7 . David's sons born in Jerusalem.

xv. 1-24. Preparations for bringing home the Ark.

xvi. 7-36 . David's psalm of praise.

xvii. 1-27 . Permission to build a Temple refused to David.

xviii. 1-17 . David's foreign wars. His officials.

xix. 1-xx. 8 . Wars with Ammon, Syria, and the Philistines.

xxi. 1-30 . The census and the plague.

xxii. 1-xxix. 20. David's preparations for the building of the Temple and for the establishment of its services:

xxii. The choice of the Temple site. The charge to Solomon.

xxiii. The organisation of the Levites.

xxiv. The divisions of the Priests.

xxv. The divisions of the singers.

xxvi. The divisions of the doorkeepers.

xxvii. Various officers of David.

xxviii. 1-xxix. 20 David's charge to Solomon and to all Israel.

xxix. 21-30 The Epilogue: The Great Rejoicing; the Anointing of Solomon; Summary of David's reign.

i. 1-6 . Solomon's sacrifice at Gibeon.

ii. 1, 2, 17, 18 . Bearers of burdens and hewers of wood and stone.

iii. 1-v. 1 The building and furnishing of the Temple.

v. 2-14 . The bringing in of the Ark and the descent of the cloud.

vi. 1-11 . Solomon's blessing.

vii. 1-3 The descent of the fire upon the sacrifices.

viii. 1-13, 17, 18 . Various Acts of Solomon.

ix. 1-28 . The Visit of the Queen of Sheba. Solomon's greatness.

x. 1-xi. 4 . The Revolt of the Ten Tribes.

xi. 5-xii. 16 . The Acts of Rehoboam.

xiii. 1-22 . The Acts of Abijah .

xiv. 1-xvi. 14 . The Acts of Asa.

xvii. 1-19 Jehoshaphat's religious measures. His captains.

xviii. 1-34 . Jehoshaphat with Ahab at Ramoth-Gilead.

xix. 1-xx. 30 Jehoshaphat's judges. His victory in the wilderness of Tekoa.

xx. 31-37 . The rest of the Acts of Jehoshaphat.

xxi. 1-20 . Jehoram.

xxii. 1-9 . Ahaziah.

xxiv. 1-14 . Restoration of the Temple under Joash.

xxv. 1-13 . Amaziah. The Edomite War. The Ephraimite ravages.

xxvi. 1-23 . Uzziah .

xxvii. 1-9 . Jotham.

xxviii. 1-27 . Ahaz.

xxix. 1-xxxi. 21 Hezekiah. Cleansing of the Temple. The Great Passover. Care for the priesthood.

xxxii. 1-23 . The deliverance from Sennacherib.

xxxiii. 1-20 . Manasseh. His captivity and repentance.

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