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Read Ebook: The heart of Africa Vol. 1 (of 2) by Schweinfurth Georg August Reade William Winwood Author Of Introduction Etc Frewer Ellen E Ellen Elizabeth Translator

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Ebook has 1481 lines and 199309 words, and 30 pages

My former journey--Inducements to a second--Plan and object--Custom-house difficulties at Suez--Scenes in the Governor's divan--Environs of Suez--Sulphur mine of Gimsah--Recluse life of the officials--An unenticing coast--The roadstead of Djidda--The bride of the fish--Voyage across the Red Sea--Salt works of Roway--Appearance of the shore--Charm of the moonlight nights--Importance of Suakin--First night-camp in the mountains--New species of Dracaena--Numerous succulents among the flora--The valley of Singat --Idyllic abode of the Governor--Mountains of Erkoweet--The olive-tree wild--Gardens of the desert--Characteristics of the town Bedouins--Equipment for the desert--Old fanatic from Kano--Injury and oppression--The Bedouin camp O-Mareg--Brown coating of the rocks--Goats and sheep of the Bedouins--Plant with my own name--Contest with the camel-drivers--Ugliness of the women--A monument of nature--Arrival at the Nile--Tent in peril--A wedding--The ninety-nine islands and the Sablook-straits--Pitiable condition of the country--Arrival at Khartoom Page 1

Kind reception in Khartoom--Dyafer Pasha, the Governor-General-- Contract with Ghattas--Herr W. Duisberg--Ivory trade at Khartoom--Khartoom possessions in the negro countries--Departure from Khartoom--Manning of the boat--Construction of the Khartoom boats--First night on the White Nile--Character of the landscape--Washing away of the east bank--Fertility of the country on the west--Acacia forests--Herds of the Hassanieh--Numerous hippopotamuses--Geese and ducks--Beginning of the wilderness--The Ambatch-wood--First day of ill-luck-- Running over a wild buffalo--Baggara Arabs--Brethren in the faith--The mountain Nyemati--Evening gossip about pygmies-- Native Egyptian cultivated plants--Buffalos alarming the Baggara--Mohammed Kher, the robber chief--Impressions on the first sight of savages--Boat attacked by bees--Frightful agony--Gadflies--Giant snails--A man carries three canoes--Repair of the sail-yard--Fashoda the most southern military station--Fifteen Shillooks at a shot--Gay temperament of the people--Gun accidents--African giant snakes 43

Reception at the Seriba--Population--Fertility--Salubrity--Management--Poor prospects of the ivory trade--Failure of European firms in Khartoom--Idrees, the chief agent--Domestic arrangements--Beauties of spring--The daughter Seriba Geer--Bit of primeval forest--Giraffe-hunt--Bamboo jungle--Negro festival and music--Trip to the Dyoor and to Wow--Desertion of bearers--Good entertainment--Marquis Antinori and Vayssi?re--Old servant of Petherick's--Hornblend--Height of the water of the Dyoor--Apostrophe to the river--A model Seriba--First acquaintance with Niam-niam--Trader from Tunis--The Wow River--Seriba Agahd in Wow--Edible fruits of the country--Wild buffaloes--Instability of dwellings--Caama and Leucotis antelopes--Numerous butterflies--Bear-baboons--Pharaoh palms--Daily life of the Dyoor--Their race--Iron-smelting--Formation of huts--Idyll of village life--Hunting with snares--Women's work--Graves--Care of young and old 172

THE BONGO: Area, boundaries, and population of Bongoland-- Subjection of the Bongo to the Khartoomers--Decrease of population by slave-trading--Red tinge of the skin--Width of the skull--Small growth of hair--No aridity in climate--Wild tubers as food--Races of goats and dogs--Hunting-weapons-- Villages and huts--Smelting furnaces--Money of the Bongo--Weapons for display--Wood-carving-- Penates of the Bongo--Musical instruments--Character of Bongo music-- Corpulence of the women--Hottentot Venus--Mutilation of the teeth--Disfigurement of the lips--Arrow-poisoning--National games--Marriage premiums--Natural morality--Disposing of the dead--Memorial erections--Mistrust of spirits--Loma, good and ill-luck--Fear of ghosts--Belief in witches-- Peculiarities of language--Unity of the people of Central Africa--Extermination of the race Page 256

Calamities by fire--Deliverance and escape--Six women-slaves burnt--Barterings--Domestication of wild-cats--Plague of cockroaches--Pillen wasps--Agamae and chameleons--Fever-- Meteorology--Solar phenomenon--A festal reception with an unfortunate result--Disturbance of rest at night--Murmuring of prayers--Jewish school--Orgies and drum-beating--Casting out devils--Resolve to follow Aboo-Sammat--Start towards the south--Passage of the Tondy--Character of the forest--The water-bock--Scenery by night--Shereefee's attack--Seriba Duggoo--Consequences of the steppe-burning--Seriba Dagguddoo--Burnt human bones and charred huts--Tropics in winter--Two kinds of ant-hills--Arrival in Sabby--Nocturnal festivities of the Bongo--Desolation of the country-- Goat-suckers--Abundance of game--The zebra-ichneumon--The spectral mantis--Lions--Wonderful chase after hartebeests-- Snake and antelope at a shot 315

Preparations for Niam-niam campaign--Generosity of Aboo Sammat-- Organisation of the caravan--Ceremonies at starting--Banner of Islam--Travelling costume--Terminalia forest--Hartebeest chase--Ahmed the Liar--Prospect from Mbala Ngeea--Bivouac on the Lehssy--Camp noises at night--Story of cannibalism-- Ahmed's fate--The Ibba--First meeting with Niam-niam--Growth of the popukky-grass--Elephant-hunting among the Niam-niam-- Surprise at the white man--Visit to Nganye--A chieftain's household--Entertainment by Nganye--Gumba--Colocasia--A Niam-niam minstrel--Beauty of the Zowa-trees--Encephalartus on the hill of Gumango--Cultivated districts on the Rye-- Condition of hamlets and farms--Devastation of Bendo's district--Contest with the soldiers--Escape from a bullet-- Identity of the Sway and the Dyoor--The law of drainage-- Passage of the Manzilly--First primeval forest--Frontier wildernesses--Organisation in the geography of plants-- Importance of guinea-fowl to the traveller--Feeding the bearers--National diet 415

Poultry-market--Votive pillars and hunting-trophies--Indirect evidence of cannibalism--The chimpanzee in Central Africa-- Presents of chimpanzee skulls--New style of huts--The A-Banga--Cultivation of manioc in Central Africa--The Treculia--Cam-wood and muscat nuts--Conflict with natives-- Shooting-match and sham fight--Magic lucifers--Mutual interchange of blood--Botanical excursion interrupted--Gyabir wounded--Modes of expressing pain--Female slaves captured--Giant lichens--Tree-termites--Monbuttoo frontier--Reception by Nembey--Northern limit of the oil-palm--Imaginary alarm--Unexpected arrival of Khartoomers--Visit of Bongwa and his wife--Cattle of the Maogoo--Cultivation of the sugar-cane--Interview with Izingerria--Arrival at the Welle--Condition of the Welle--Relations of the stream--Crossing the river--Monbuttoo canoes--New impressions of the heart of Africa--Arrival at Munza's residence 515


The Lassav 23

A Bishareen Sheep 34

Aboo-Odfa 37

Ambatch Canoe 77

View of Fashoda 80

Balaeniceps Rex 116

The Meshera 128

The old Shol 133

Profiles of the Dinka 149

A Dinka Dandy 151

Dinka Instruments for parrying club blows 155

Sectional View, showing construction of Dinka Hut 160

Dinka Bull 161

Dinka Sheep 162

Dinka Goat 163

"Kyatt" Worm 166

Central African Hartebeest 195

Leucotis Antelope 196

Leucotis Antelope 197

Brass Ornaments of the Dyoor 202

Portrait of a Dyoor 203

Portrait of a Dyoor 204

Spear Head 205

Dyoor Smelting-furnace 207

Central African Bastard Gemsbok 217

Kosaria palmata 220

The Kilnoky 231

Young Polypterus 232

The Madoqua 244

The Deloo 245

Central African Yam 251

Bongo Goat 270

Short-bodied Goat of the Bongo 271

Vertical Section of Smelting-oven 278

Iron Money 279

Bongo Lances 280

Pincers used by the Bongo women for plucking out their eyelashes 281

The Dangabor and a single ring 282

Bongo stool 283

Yanga's grave 285

Bongo 293

Bongo woman 295

The Central African Waterbock 339

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