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Read Ebook: The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants a Psychic Revelation by Kennon J L

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Ebook has 369 lines and 24861 words, and 8 pages

The construction of Mars' gigantic Canal system, planetary in its extent, might seem to your Earth people an impossible task. And it might prove so to your Earth dwellers should you undertake a similar project in the ages to come when your seas dry up, though it must be remembered that gravity on Mars, compared with your Earth, is as 38 to 100. Excavations of large waterways then becomes a comparatively easy task. We have no high mountains on Mars; in fact, none exceeding 3,000 feet in altitude.

Owing to the difference in gravity the angle of repose on Mars is nearly acute as against 45 degrees on your Earth, which permits of almost perpendicular walls to the canals and lessens the danger of landslides and cave-ins. But above all, the biggest advantage enjoyed by us in the construction of large public enterprises, such as are embraced by our Canal system, is the solidarity and unity of purpose on the part of the Martian people. As Love rules our planet no internal dissension or public misunderstanding exists among its people to retard any undertaking that is necessary for the good of all.

It is lamentable that the dwellers on your Earth are divided against one another. Not only are your false ideals of racial, sociological and religious distinctions a bar to your Spiritual and material progress, but your political and economic falsities are as millstones around your necks, which will ultimately lead you to destruction unless you, as a people, retrace your steps and go back to the pathway pointed out by Christ the Master 2,000 years ago, when He came to your Earth with a message from the Most High. The pathway is LOVE which leads to a true understanding of God and the Kingdom referred to by Christ.

The Martian canals, as telescopic observation will prove in almost all cases, follow straight lines. When necessary, mountains have been cut through down to a proper level. Where the canals cross depressions or old sea-bottoms, immense aqueducts have been constructed of solid stone and concrete in such a manner that the water, in most cases, flows to its destination by gravity.

That this has been a stupendous task may be more readily imagined when it is known that the width of the main canals averages from one to twenty miles. This announcement might seem to many unreasonable, but it must be remembered that the volume of water distributed over 212,000,000 square miles of territory is immense. You might ask where this large volume of water comes from.

The POLAR CAPS! During the Martian winter these extend down nearly to the equator, and cover about five-sevenths of the planet's surface when at maximum; and as the snowfall averages from six inches at the edge of the caps to 50 feet at and near the actual Poles, some idea may be gained of the amount of moisture taken care of by these artificial waterways. Ten feet of snow will make 12 inches of water, so there exists on Mars an ample supply for all purposes.


Economy is a virtue long cultivated on the Planet Mars. On your Earth you waste more than you use, not only in food but in the fruits of the Earth. You are using up your resources at a tremendous rate, and some day you must pay the penalty. Witness the wanton destruction of your beautiful forests, the depletion of your coal beds and crude oil deposits. All this waste is the result of lack of Spiritual guidance; a gross materialism: an inordinate selfish greed. Instead of laying up Spiritual treasures you are worshiping at the altar of Mamon. Ultimately you will find your hoardings nothing but tarnished brass--an illusion leading you on to Spiritual destruction.

With the Martians the incentive to live is to express life and be in harmony with the Creator, to develop spiritually and build for Eternity. On Mars each one strives to live for his brother to the end that all may inherit the promised Kingdom when yet as a physical being. Commercialism with us is unknown, for no one works for profit. The products of the toil of all the inhabitants are for the public larder and other necessities and even luxuries.

As a result of this system of public economy and industrialism, sweat-shops, child labor, poor houses, public reformatories, and the long list of pernicious and iniquitous customs in vogue on your Earth are unknown on our planet.

No worries mar the life of the people of Mars. Worry has no place in the Martian mind. The wants of all are supplied by the Commonwealth, and each one contributes his best efforts to the common good, and in return each individual is supplied his every want. This is in accordance with Christ's message: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."


On Mars all property is considered as belonging to God, its Creator, who provided it for the enfoldment and comfort of His creatures. No individual lays claim to property in the sense that you Earth dwellers do.

Through God's love does man inhabit a portion of the material universe, but only for a season. Man comes into material being to express life and acquire an individuality, after which he passes out of material bondage, when his place is taken by another.

At man's transition he takes with him only character, nothing else. If the things he has striven for during his material life have been but chimeras: the material things of life: the fruits of the Earth, then in that case he will find himself poor indeed. The only real wealth, the only thing worth striving for, is a knowledge of God and His Kingdom. And with us Martians a knowledge of God is the ultimate goal sought for. Hence all material things to the Martian are but expedients, soon to be forgotten.

Material wealth is an abstraction. Its usual evidence is the possession of property, which may be money, land, goods or chattels, as the case may be. In final analysis this concrete evidence of wealth is not real.

Money is nothing more or less than a stamped token entitling the possessor to so much human effort, for the real value behind money, after all, is but so much human energy or force, varying according to its quality and its worth.

Other forms of property such as goods and chattels, are the result of human endeavor and may be secured by the exchange of money, or it may be produced by the owner.

Wealth represented by lands, which were created by God for the benefit of all humankind, and not for the individual, is the so-called right-secured by barter, exchange or inheritance, to use or withhold from use, at the caprice of the owner--of a certain piece or portion of the planet. Under a legal fiction the title to land extends to the center of the Earth and to infinity in an opposite direction!

The text: "Thou shalt earn thy bread by the sweat of thy brow" has a deep significance to one who has come into a knowledge of Truth. Drones have no place in the Divine Plan. It is not only essential but mandatory, that each one do his part for the common good. The non-producing rich man is as much a drone as is the vagabond who neither toils nor spins. The Biblical test concerning the difficulty of the rich man getting into Heaven means that it is impossible for a drone or parasite to get into harmony with God.

The possession of wealth is not in itself sinful, but the possession of wealth is a corollary to selfishness. He who is unselfish will spurn wealth. The individual who accumulates beyond his needs sins against Heaven when he locks up his goods in strong boxes. The act of hoarding deprives some creature of his just portion, for God has planned there should be sufficient for all who make the effort, and a system that permits an unequal distribution of God's gifts is in opposition to the Divine Plan, and doubly pernicious is a church organization that permits it.

Only after Christ has taken up His abode in the hearts of the people of your Earth will surcease come to the suffering millions on your planet.

Happiness and selfishness are so diametrically opposed that the former is impossible unless the latter is eliminated from your world, for only real happiness comes after complete surrender to God. Surrender to God means subordination to His will. His will on Earth must be done as it is in Heaven. All must be self-conscious of this. If God's will was adhered to on your Earth what a different place it would be! Instead of a shambles it would be a paradise, the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God a fact instead of the dream of a few.

God loves all His creatures, both evolutionary and non-evolutionary. His love is infinite in extent. We are all His children. Everything has been provided for us. It is only man's selfishness that deprives any creature of his just dues. Man suffers want on account of his lack of faith in God! Before man lost his faith in God he walked and communed with angels. He could do it now if he would but listen to the Voice Within--if he would only open his heart to Christ, for help is ready whenever one asks for it in sincerity and faith.

One of the sources of great injustice to the majority of the inhabitants of your Earth is the belief in the dogma of Divine Right. This dogma includes not only the absurdity of the Divine Right of kings, but the Divine Right to the ownership of goods and land through the Creator's favoritism for a few.

This dogma is the mother of untold misery and suffering. Out of this ungodly theory has evolved your shameful caste system; your shameful economic ideas.

Your ancient feudal system of government has been but little improved upon today over its primitive status, for you still draw well-defined lines of class distinction between God's children--lines of demarcation based on wealth and natal origin. With your inhabitants, communal standing and social distinction is proportionate to the wealth of the possessor or to the wealth or social standing of ancestors.

The monstrous heresy of Divine Right is an invention of the powers of darkness and must be eliminated from your world root and branch before your progress forward is assured. God plays no favorites. His love is showered upon all alike. His gifts are for all His children. It was never the Divine intent that a favored few should bask in the sunshine of His grace while the majority suffered want and deprivation. These false ideas have been the procurers of darkness: of the Stygian gloom now overshadowing your Earth.

Spiritual darkness has not always covered your Earth. In primitive times--ages ago--eras whose history has been lost to you, man on your Earth was in harmony with his Creator. This was in the Golden Age when man and the angels of God walked hand in hand; when man communed with God, and when the Christ spirit was abiding in the hearts of the people. In this age man was spiritually developed to a degree almost unbelievable by you.

Then the time came when man listened to the temptor , and through the workings of the law of Atavism man degenerated almost to the level of his animal prototype.

This incident in your world's history is the source of the legend of the "Fall of Man" in the "Garden of Eden." Man disobeyed God by listening to self, by giving himself over to his selfish desires. He slew his brother, figuratively speaking, when he abandoned himself to selfish ends and took advantage of his fellowman. He has been guilty of that sin ever since. IT IS NOW INHERENT IN HIS MAKE-UP; THIS SELFISH INSTINCT MUST BE ELIMINATED BEFORE HE CAN AGAIN FIND THE FATHER'S KINGDOM.

No fences or other evidences of individual ownership surround the millions of homes on Mars. No lines of demarcation divide one plot of land from another. The millions of beautiful homes--beautiful in their simplicity, for over-ornamentation such as the dwellers of your Earth practise, is not tolerated on our planet--belong to the Commonwealth. The same are allotted to the individual as a life tenure only.

The same custom prevails in the matter of personal property. Should a Martian have use for a flying machine, also used by another, or other kind of property for personal use, he does not ask the use of same in the spirit that your Earth dwellers borrow from one another. Use of the needed article is requested with the idea that it belongs to the community: that all material possessions are the common property of the entire race.


In the absence of a universal unity of purpose intelligent life on Mars would have become extinct centuries ago, when the last remnants of its oceans and seas dried up and a planetary irrigation system became necessary in order to utilize the frozen Polar moisture.


Barter and trade are unknown on Mars. The entire race of Martians is cooperative, and the production of all necessities is based on the needs of the Commonwealth.

Specialization in different branches of industrial activity is centralized, as is the case of your Earth. That is, some particular parts of the planet, owing to climatic and other conditions, are better adapted for the production of some special kind of raw material used in the manufacture of clothes or other necessities of life, or the production of some particular foodstuff. But in every case the incentive for industrial activity is not material profit. On the contrary the real incentive is compliance with the Father's will.

Transportation is effected by means of flying ships actuated by the control of gravitational attraction. These vehicles of the air, beside your crude affairs are most perfect, and the amount of freight carried is unlimited, for the reason that the gravitational attraction of the cargo is nullified as well as that of the ship. Another motive power used is Cosmic, or Universal Energy.

Immense warehouses and depots are scattered throughout the entire planet. These are centers of distribution. These warehouses are filled with what all the people of the entire planet need in the way of food, clothing and other necessities of life. These depots are in charge of trained and competent workers who attend to the issuance and distribution of all commodities.

When a Martian is in need of any particular commodity he makes application to have his want supplied to the depot nearest to his habitation. He immediately receives the needed article. If the quantity and nature of his requisition is too large for him to carry personally, the same is delivered at his domicile by the Commonwealth's Transportation Department.

NOTE--Yes, 35 years ago, but not today, 1955.


In connection with the revelation contained in this book concerning the physical characteristics of Mars, the compiler of this volume, as well also as the medium, was given much information concerning this advanced planet by means of clairvoyant visions. These pictures were given the writer at different times, commencing early in 1920, and continuing until the book was finished.

As has been explained by the controls who have been instrumental in giving the information about Mars, the purpose of these clairvoyant pictures was to give the compiler of this book real visual evidence as to life on Mars; and in particular, real pictures setting forth its topography, which could be elucidated in no other way.

Written descriptions of scenery and of human activities necessarily fall short of the reality, especially when an attempt is made to record a series of events or a point of view outside the realm of our experience.

The first picture realized by the writer, and for that matter the most important one, was the view given him of Urid the Beautiful, one of the most Important centers of population on the planet Mars.

It was while lying in bed one morning the writer was contemplating the many messages being received from the Martian, who is the dictator of the subject matter of this book, that he found himself at a strange place, suspended as it were in the air over a beautiful lake of blue water, whose surface was broken by gentle ripples, due to the soft, balmy breeze blowing over the surface of the water. The writer was facing what seemed to be a westerly direction; and at a distance of about five miles there arose a series of small mountains about 2,500 feet in altitude. These mountains skirted the shores of the lake. The sky was a beautiful blue, bluer than the sapphire-tinted skies of our own desert lands. The mountains were tinted red from base to top, except where the moisture near the shores of the lake had stimulated a vegetal growth, whose green contrasted most harmoniously with the red of the soil. Two white clouds floated majestically near the peaks of the highest mountains.

The atmosphere was impressively clear and all objects seemed to stand out in sharp definition, a condition seldom seen by dwellers on our Earth except in extremely dry and arid regions.

On top of a small plateau, forming the crown of a low-lying hill at the base of one of the highest mountains, and about 1,500 feet from the shore line, I was startled to see a large city. The thousands of closely nestling buildings seemed to be built of white stone. The writer was lost in admiration, for there in front of him the pure white of the city, contrasting so vividly with the red soil of this faraway planet, stood the habitations of an advanced race many millions of miles removed from my own world.

The writer was impressed with the fact that, with but few exceptions, the buildings of gleaming white were all one story in height, and it became instantly evident that crowding is not tolerated by the inhabitants of this progressive planet. A few structures towered above the rest. These, as the writer was informed later, were the public buildings dedicated to the use of the people as lecture halls, centers for music and art, etc.

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