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Read Ebook: Roget's Thesaurus by Roget Peter Mark

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Ebook has 269 lines and 214023 words, and 6 pages

Produced by: MICRA, Inc.

Roget's Thesaurus

English words and phrases classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition

by Peter Mark Roget

An electronic thesaurus derived from the version of Roget's Thesaurus published in 1911.

Note that this version of Thesaurus-1911 has been supplemented with over 1,000 words not present in the original 1911 edition, but many modern words are still missing. About 1500 verbs which can be found in an 80,000-word spell-checker are absent from this work. The deficiency of nouns is probably much worse, especially on technical topics. Of 40,000 unique words contained in the original text, 12,000 are not recognized by a spell-checker. Most of these are foreign words , and many are obsolete. In this version, these words are marked as such by comments in square brackets. Although this version has been proof-read, there are doubtless numerous residual transcription errors, some of which may be obvious even without reference to the original text. We will be grateful if any of these are brought to our attention; the corrections will appear in subsequent versions.

The original arrangement has also been modified slightly in several places, in particular by splitting one entry into two. A version of the 1911 thesaurus which is almost identical to the original has also been prepared by MICRA, Inc., and also carries no restrictions from MICRA. Copies of that version or this one may be purchased for .00 from MICRA, Inc., or from the Austin Code Works, Austin Texas.

Occasional references to numbers starting with "@" are the embryonic beginnings of a reorganized version, mentioned below. A few comments are also included within curly brackets .

The following additional differences will be noted between this version and the original edition of the printed 1911 thesaurus:

the space-saving abbreviations in the original, using hyphens to represent common words, prefixes or suffixes, have been expanded into the full words or phrases.

the side-by-side format for words and their opposites has been abandoned. Words are listed in order of their entry number.

each main entry has a pound sign "#" in front of the number to facilitate computerized search.

Greek words and phrases are transliterated and included between brackets in the format .

where italics occurred in the original, italics are used in the Microsoft Word format file. In the plain ASCII file, this formatting is lost.

in the original book, words which were obsolete were marked with a dagger. In this version, those words are marked with a vertical bar .

Some of the words which were still current in 1911, but are no longer found in a current college-size dictionary , or which are no longer used in the specific indicated sense, have been marked with a bar followed by an exclamation point "|!". However, this marking process has just commenced, and only a small portion of the words which are now obsolete have been thus marked. Most though not all of the foreign-language phrases are now obsolete. The "obsolete" notation indicates that the previous word is not recognized by the word processor's spelling checker, and also is either NOT in a modern college-sized dictionary, or is noted there as being "ARCHAIC".

This file contains only the main body of the thesaurus. Neither outline nor index are contained here. The outline with an overview of the organization of the concepts is contained in a separate file, "outline.doc", on the distribution disk.

This first edition of this supplemented 1911 thesaurus is very much less complete than the latest editions of commercial thesauri, and is probably not suitable for use as an adjunct to word-processing programs, but it has no proprietary claims attached to it by MICRA, Inc., and does not contain any material published commercially after 1911.

Future versions of this thesaurus are planned, which will be reorganized in a hierarchical fashion to maximize the ability to take advantage of inheritance of semantic characteristics from higher categories. The objective is to create a database of words organized by semantic categories, suitable for use in natural-language understanding programs. This is a very small-scale project, which will not be competitive with large academic or commercial efforts such as the CYC project, but is intended to provide a convenient resource for experimentation in natural-language processing for individuals or small groups. Anyone who is currently engaged in or contemplating a similar thesaurus or dictionary project, who would be willing to collaborate on this project, is encouraged to contact us, so that unnecessary duplication of effort can be avoided. We would also appreciate being notified of typos, errors, or omissions in any version. Send inquiries or comments to:

Patrick Cassidy MICRA Inc. 735 Belvidere Ave. Plainfield, NJ 07062-2054

voice: 668-5252 fax: 668-5904

Tabular Synopsis of Categories







#3. Substantiality.--N. substantiality, hypostasis; person, being, thing, object, article, item; something, a being, an existence; creature, body, substance, flesh and blood, stuff, substratum; matter &c. 316; corporeity, element, essential nature, groundwork, materiality, substantialness, vital part. , world &c. 318; plenum. Adj. substantive, substantial; hypostatic; personal, bodily, tangible &c. 316; corporeal. Adv. substantially &c. adj.; bodily, essentially.

Internal conditions

External conditions

#6. Extrinsicality.--N. extrinsicality, objectiveness, non ego; # extraneousness &c. 57; accident; appearance, phenomenon &c. 448. Adj. derived from without; objective; extrinsic, extrinsical; extraneous &c. 57; modal, adventitious; ascititious, adscititious; incidental, accidental, nonessential; contingent, fortuitous. implanted, ingrafted; inculcated, infused. outward, apparent &c. 220. Adv. extrinsically &c. adj.



#8. Circumstance.--N. circumstance, situation, phase, position, # posture, attitude, place, point; terms; regime; footing, standing, status. occasion, juncture, conjunctive; contingency &c. 151. predicament; emergence, emergency; exigency, crisis, pinch, pass, push; occurrence; turning point. bearings, how the land lies. surroundings, context, environment 229a; location 184. contingency, dependence 475; causation 153, attribution 155. Adj. circumstantial; given, conditional, provisional; critical; modal; contingent, incidental; adventitious &c. 6; limitative. Adv. in the circumstances, under the circumstances &c. n., the circumstances, conditions &c. 7; thus, in such wise. accordingly; that being the case, such being the case, in view of the circumstances; that being so, sith, since, seeing that. as matters stand; as things go, as times go. conditionally, provided, if, in case; if so, if so be, if it be so; depending on circumstances, in certain circumstances, under certain conditions; if it so happen, if it so turn out; in the event of; in such a contingency, in such a case, in such an event; provisionally, unless, without. according to circumstances, according to the occasion; as it may happen, as it may turn out, as it may be; as the case may be, as the wind blows; pro re nata. Phr. "yet are my sins not those of circumstance" .

intimately related, nearly related, closely related, remotely related, distantly related, allied; german.

#16a. Nonuniformity.--N. diversity, irregularity, unevenness; multiformity &c. 81; unconformity &c. 83; roughness &c. 256; dissimilarity, dissimilitude, divarication, divergence. Adj. diversified varied, irregular, uneven, rough &c. 256; multifarious; multiform &c. 81; of various kinds; all manner of, all sorts of, all kinds of. Adv. variously, in all manner of ways, here there and everywhere.

Adv. literally, to the letter, verbatim, literatim, sic, totidem verbis, word for word, mot a mot; exactly, precisely.

Phr. like master like man; "like - but oh! how different!" ; "genius borrows nobly" ; "pursuing echoes calling 'mong the rocks" ; "quotation confesses inferiority" ; "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".

#20. Nonimitation.--N. no imitation; originality; creativeness. # invention, creation. Adj. unimitated, uncopied; unmatched, unparalleled; inimitable &c. 13; unique, original; creative, inventive, untranslated; exceptional, rare, sui generis uncommon, unexampled.

#21. Copy.--N. copy, facsimile, counterpart, # effigies, effigy, form, likeness. image, picture, photo, xerox, similitude, semblance, ectype, photo offset, electrotype; imitation &c. 19; model, representation, adumbration, study; portrait &c. 554; resemblance. duplicate, reproduction; cast, tracing; reflex, reflexion, reflection; shadow, echo. transcript, transcription; recording, scan. chip off the old block; reprint, new printing; rechauffe; apograph, fair copy. parody, caricature, burlesque, travesty, travestie, paraphrase. derivative, derivation, modification, expansion, extension, revision; second edition &c. 104. servile copy, servile imitation; plagiarism, counterfeit, fake &c. 545; pasticcio. Adj. faithful; lifelike &c. 17; close, conscientious. unoriginal, imitative, derivative.

at home, in one's proper element. Adv. a propos of; pertinently &c. adj. Phr. rem acu tetigisti; if the shoe fits, wear it; the cap fits; auxilia humilia firma consensus facit ; discers concordia .

#26. Degree.--N. degree, grade, extent, measure, amount, ratio, stint, standard, height, pitch; reach, amplitude, range, scope, caliber; gradation, shade; tenor, compass; sphere, station, rank, standing; rate, way, sort. point, mark, stage &c. 71; intensity, strength &c. 31. Adj. comparative; gradual, shading off; within the bounds &c. 233. Adv. by degrees, gradually, inasmuch, pro tanto; however, howsoever; step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch, drop by drop; a little at a time, by inches, by slow degrees, by degrees, by little and little; in some degree, in some measure; to some extent; di grado in grado.

Phr. it comes to the same thing, it amounts to the same thing; what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.



Phr. "I shall not look upon his like again" ; deos fortioribus addesse .


#39. Adjunct.--N. adjunct; addition, additament; additum, affix, appelidage, annexe, annex; augment, augmentation; increment, reinforcement, supernumerary, accessory, item; garnish, sauce; accompaniment &c. 88; adjective, addendum; complement, supplement; continuation. rider, offshoot, episode, side issue, corollary; piece; flap, lappet, skirt, embroidery, trappings, cortege; tail, suffix &c. 65; wing. Adj. additional &c. 37. alate, alated; winged. Adv. in addition &c. 37.

Adj. remaining, left; left behind left over; residual, residuary; over, odd; unconsumed, sedimentary; surviving; net; exceeding, over and above; outlying, outstanding; cast off &c. 782; superfluous &c. 641.

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