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Word Meanings - WHIMSICAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Full of, or characterized by, whims; actuated by a whim; having peculiar notions; queer; strange; freakish. "A whimsical insult." Macaulay. My neighbors call me whimsical. Addison. 2. Odd or fantastic in appearance; quaintly devised; fantastic.

Additional info about word: WHIMSICAL

1. Full of, or characterized by, whims; actuated by a whim; having peculiar notions; queer; strange; freakish. "A whimsical insult." Macaulay. My neighbors call me whimsical. Addison. 2. Odd or fantastic in appearance; quaintly devised; fantastic. "A whimsical chair." Evelyn. Syn. -- Quaint; capricious; fanciful; fantastic.

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    To make peculiar; to set appart or assign, as an exclusive possession. Dr. John Smith.
    The ratio of the distance between the center and the focus of an ellipse or hyperbola to its semi-transverse axis. (more info) 1. The state of being eccentric; deviation from the customary line of conduct; oddity.
    The state or quality of being irregular; that which is irregular.
    1. Existing only in imagination; fanciful; imaginary; not real; chimerical. 2. Having the nature of a phantom; unreal. Shak. 3. Indulging the vagaries of imagination; whimsical; full of absurd fancies; capricious; as, fantastic minds; a fantastic
    Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied; visionary; ideal. Wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer Imaginary ills and fancied tortures Addison. Imaginary calculus See under Calculus. -- Imaginary expression or quantity
    Governed or characterized by caprice; apt to change suddenly; freakish; whimsical; changeable. "Capricious poet." Shak. "Capricious humor." Hugh Miller. A capricious partiality to the Romish practices. Hallam. Syn. -- Freakish; whimsical; fanciful;
    Full of change; mutable; inconstant; fickle; uncertain. Pope. His course had been changeful. Motley. -- Change"ful*ly, adv. -- Change"ful*ness, n.
    In an eccentric manner. Drove eccentrically here and there. Lew Wallace.
    Rather queer; somewhat singular.
    1. Relating to comedy. They deny it to be tragical because its catastrphe is a wedding, which hath ever been accounted comical. Gay. 2. Exciting mirth; droll; laughable; as, a comical story. "Comical adventures." Dryden. Syn. -- Humorous;
    Existing by itself; single; individual. The idea which represents one . . . determinate thing, is called a singular idea, whether simple, complex, or compound. I. Watts. (more info) 1. Separate or apart from others; single; distinct. Bacon. And
    A droll. Glanvill.
    In an anomalous manner.
    The quality or state of being peculiar; peculiarity. Mede.
    Merely imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wildly or vainly conceived; having, or capable of having, no existence except in thought; as, chimerical projects. Syn. -- Imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wild; unfounded; vain; deceitful; delusive.
    Somewhat droll. Sterne.
    1. The quality or state of being uncertain. 2. That which is uncertain; something unknown. Our shepherd's case is every man's case that quits a moral certainty for an uncertainty. L'Estrange.
    1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; -- hence, irregular; unnatural. "Erroneous circulation." Arbuthnot. Stopped much of the erroneous light, which otherwise would have disturbed the vision. Sir I. Newman. 2. Misleading;
    A small ramus, or branch.
    extraneare to treat as a stranger, from extraneus strange. See 1. To withdraw; to withhold; hence, reflexively, to keep at a distance; to cease to be familiar and friendly with. We must estrange our belief from everything which is not clearly and
    1. A state of being acquainted, or of having intimate, or more than slight or superficial, knowledge; personal knowledge gained by intercourse short of that of friendship or intimacy; as, I know the man; but have no acquaintance with him. Contract
    Personally known; familiar. See To be acquainted with, under Acquaint, v. t.
    To render unacquainted; to make unfamiliar. While my sick heart With dismal smart Is disacquainted never. Herrick.
    One who estranges.
    Want of acquaintance. Good.
    A large, amphibious, herbivorous mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius), common in the rivers of Africa. It is allied to the hogs, and has a very thick, naked skin, a thick and square head, a very large muzzle, small eyes and ears, thick and heavy body,


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