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Word Meanings - SOLDIER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The red or cuckoo gurnard (more info) soldoier, soldeier, sodoier, soudoier, soudier, fr. L. solidus a piece of money , fr. solidus 1. One who is engaged in military service as an officer or a private; one who serves in an army; one

Additional info about word: SOLDIER

The red or cuckoo gurnard (more info) soldoier, soldeier, sodoier, soudoier, soudier, fr. L. solidus a piece of money , fr. solidus 1. One who is engaged in military service as an officer or a private; one who serves in an army; one of an organized body of combatants. I am a soldier and unapt to weep. Shak. 2. Especially, a private in military service, as distinguished from an officer. It were meet that any one, before he came to be a captain, should have been a soldier. Spenser. 3. A brave warrior; a man of military experience and skill, or a man of distinguished valor; -- used by way of emphasis or distinction. Shak.

Related words: (words related to SOLDIER)

    Cruising in a privateer.
    1. A person who deals in money; banker or broker. 2. An authorized coiner of money. Sir M. Hale. The Company of Moneyers, the officials who formerly coined the money of Great Britain, and who claimed certain prescriptive rights and privileges.
    1. One who pieces; a patcher. 2. A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
    One ofseveral European marine fishes, of the genus Trigla and allied genera, having a large and spiny head, with mailed cheeks. Some of the species are highly esteemed for food. The name is sometimes applied to the American sea robins.
    1. A tax paid to the first two Norman kings of England to prevent them from debashing the coin. Hume. 2. Mintage; coinage.
    Divided into pieces.
    An officer or seaman of a privateer.
    The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law; as, the service of a subpoena or an attachment. (more info) 1. The act of serving; the occupation of a servant; the performance of labor for
    fr. L. moneta. See Mint place where coin is made, Mind, and cf. 1. A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and
    1. In pieces; in parts or fragments. "On which it piecemeal brake." Chapman. The beasts will tear thee piecemeal. Tennyson. 2. Piece by piece; by little and little in succession. Piecemeal they win, this acre first, than that. Pope.
    A bird belonging to Cuculus, Coccyzus, and several allied genera, of many species. Note: The European cuckoo builds no nest of its own, but lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, to be hatched by them. The American yellow-billed cuckoo and
    Tending to draw the attention or affections; attractive; as, engaging manners or address. -- En*ga"ging*ly, adv. -- En*ga"ging*ness, n. Engaging and disengaging gear or machinery, that in which, or by means of which, one part is alternately brought
    The state of being deeply interested; earnestness; zeal.
    Not made of pieces; whole; entire.
    1. Doing service; promoting happiness, interest, advantage, or any good; useful to any end; adapted to any good end use; beneficial; advantageous. "Serviceable to religion and learning". Atterbury. "Serviceable tools." Macaulay. I know thee well,
    A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small,
    1. Supplied with money; having money; wealthy; as, moneyey men. Bacon. 2. Converted into money; coined. If exportation will not balance importation, away must your silver go again, whether moneyed or not moneyed. Locke. 3. Consisting
    Specifically, a commissioned officer, in distinction from a warrant officer. Field officer, General officer, etc. See under Field, General. etc. -- Officer of the day , the officer who, on a given day, has charge for that day of the quard,
    to an individual, private, properly p. p. of privare to bereave, deprive, originally, to separate, fr. privus single, private, perhaps originally, put forward and akin to prae 1. Belonging to, or concerning, an individual person, company, or
    1. In a private manner; not openly; without the presence of others. 2. In a manner affecting an individual; personally not officially; as, he is not privately benefited.
    A renewed or repeated engagement.
    The collar beam of a roof; the spanpiece. Gwilt.
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    The condition of a bond servant; sevice without wages; slavery. Their children . . . upon those did Solomon levy a tribute of bond service. 1 Kings ix. 21.
    An upright or curved piece of timber connecting the plank sheer with the gunwale; also, a scroll terminating a rail.
    A part of male dress in front of the breeches, formerly made very conspicuous. Shak. Fosbroke.
    Neglect of duty; idleness; indolence. Massinger.
    A kind of plum of medium size, roundish shape, greenish flesh, and delicious flavor. It is called in France Reine Claude, after the queen of Francis I. See Gage.
    The heel of a rudder. (more info) 1. A piece performed after a play, usually a farce or other small entertainment.
    A cannon mounted on wheels, for the use of a marching army; a piece of field artillery; -- called also field gun.
    A piece, or plate which forms the back of anything, or which covers the back; armor for the back.
    A clock, watch, or other instrument, to measure or show the progress of time; a chronometer.
    A decorative construction around the opning of a fireplace.


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