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Word Meanings - SMUG - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Studiously neat or nice, especially in dress; spruce; affectedly precise; smooth and prim. They be so smug and smooth. Robynson . The smug and scanty draperies of his style. De Quincey. A young, smug, handsome holiness has no fellow. Beau & Fl.

Additional info about word: SMUG

Studiously neat or nice, especially in dress; spruce; affectedly precise; smooth and prim. They be so smug and smooth. Robynson . The smug and scanty draperies of his style. De Quincey. A young, smug, handsome holiness has no fellow. Beau & Fl. (more info) schmuck, Dan. smuk, OSw. smuck, smöck, and E. smock, smuggle; cf. G.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of SMUG)

Related words: (words related to SMUG)

    To make smooth.
    Quality or state of being smooth.
    An acrid plant of the genus Polygonum , which produces smarting if applied where the skin is tender.
    1. The act of making smooth; a stroke which smooths. Thackeray. 2. That which is smooth; the smooth part of anything. "The smooth of his neck." Gen. xxvii. 16.
    1. Having the qualities of meal; resembling meal; soft, dry, and friable; easily reduced to a condition resembling meal; as, a mealy potato. 2. Overspread with something that resembles meal; as, the mealy wings of an insect. Shak. Mealy bug ,
    1. To walk with short steps; to walk in a prim, affected manner. The daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes,... mincing as they go. Is. iii. 16. I 'll... turn two mincing steps Into a manly stride. Shak.
    1. Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. Shak. 2. Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. "Like the sanctimonious pirate." Shak. -- Sanc`ti*mo"ni*ous*ly, adv. -- Sanc`ti*mo"ni*ous*ness, n.
    Having a smooth chin; beardless. Drayton.
    In a smooth manner.
    Speaking smoothly; plausible; flattering; smooth-tongued.
    One who, or that which, smooths.
    One who minces.
    Made up like a dandy; having the dress or manners of a dandy; buckish.
    fr. Smooth, v. Smoothing iron, an iron instrument with a polished face, for smoothing clothes; a sadiron; a flatiron. -- Smoothing plane, a short, finely set plane, for smoothing and finishing work.
    That minces; characterized by primness or affected nicety.
    Any coniferous tree of the genus Picea, as the Norway spruce , and the white and black spruces of America (P. alba and P. nigra), besides several others in the far Northwest. See Picea. 2. The wood or timber of the spruce tree. 3. Prussia leather;
    Airy; showy; finical; hence, characterized by an affected or fantastical manner.
    In a smart manner.
    The quality or state of being smart.
    Foplike; characteristic of a top in dress or manners; making an ostentatious display of gay clothing; affected in manners. Syn. -- Finical; spruce; dandyish. See Finical. -- Fop"pish*ly, adv. -- Fop"pish*ness, n.
    Extremely finical.
    The reciprocal existence in each other of the three persons of the Trinity.
    A kind of cress, a pungent cruciferous plant, including several species of the genus Nasturtium.


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