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Word Meanings - SHIFTY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Full of, or ready with, shifts; fertile in expedients or contrivance. Wright. Shifty and thrifty as old Greek or modern Scot, there were few things he could not invent, and perhaps nothing he could not endure. C. Kingsley.

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    To make smooth.
    1. Full of, attended with, or involving, peril; dangerous; hazardous; as, a perilous undertaking. Infamous hills, and sandy, perilous wilds. Milton. 2. Daring; reckless; dangerous. Latimer. For I am perilous with knife in hand. Chaucer.
    Quality or state of being smooth.
    1. The act of making smooth; a stroke which smooths. Thackeray. 2. That which is smooth; the smooth part of anything. "The smooth of his neck." Gen. xxvii. 16.
    1. In the condition of, or like, a beggar; suitable for a beggar; extremely indigent; poverty-stricken; mean; poor; contemptible. "A bankrupt, beggarly fellow." South. "A beggarly fellowship." Swift. "Beggarly elements." Gal. iv. 9. 2. Produced
    A sham dealer; one who colludes with a defendant in a sham prosecution. 3. One who betrays or abuses a trust. Prynne. (more info) 1. One who prevaricates.
    Having a smooth chin; beardless. Drayton.
    1. The quality or state of being uncertain. 2. That which is uncertain; something unknown. Our shepherd's case is every man's case that quits a moral certainty for an uncertainty. L'Estrange.
    Tending to elude; using arts or deception to escape; adroitly escaping or evading; eluding the grasp; fallacious. Elusive of the bridal day, she gives Fond hopes to all, and all with hopes deceives. Pope. -- E*lu"sive*ly, adv. -- E*lu"sive*ness, n.
    Like trash; containing much trash; waste; rejected; worthless; useless; as, a trashy novel.
    In a smooth manner.
    The state or quality of being contemptible, or of being despised.
    trifle, probably the same word as F. truffe truffle, the word being 1. A thing of very little value or importance; a paltry, or trivial, affair. With such poor trifles playing. Drayton. Trifles light as air Are to the jealous confirmation strong
    1. The act of shuffling; a mixing confusedly; a slovenly, dragging motion. The unguided agitation and rude shuffles of matter. Bentley. 2. A trick; an artifice; an evasion. The gifts of nature are beyond all shame and shuffles. L'Estrange.
    In an uncertain manner.
    Three-flowered; having or bearing three flowers; as, a triflorous peduncle.
    Being of small value or importance; trivial; paltry; as, a trifling debt; a trifling affair. -- Tri"fling*ly, adv. -- Tri"fling*ness, n.
    Speaking smoothly; plausible; flattering; smooth-tongued.
    One who trifles. Waterland.
    One who, or that which, smooths.
    Apt or fitted to delude; tending to mislead the mind; deceptive; beguiling; delusory; as, delusive arts; a delusive dream. Delusive and unsubstantial ideas. Whewell. -- De*lu"sive*ly, adv. -- De*lu"sive*ness, n.
    A concurrence of three waves. "A trifluctuation of evils." Sir T. Browne.


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