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Word Meanings - PITTER-PATTER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A sound like that of alternating light beats. Also, a pattering of words.

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    licht, OHG. lioht, Goth. liuhap, Icel. lj, L. lux light, lucere to 1. That agent, force, or action in nature by the operation of which upon the organs of sight, objects are rendered visible or luminous. Note: Light was regarded formerly
    A current which periodically changes or reverses its direction of flow.
    Permutation. 3. The response of the congregation speaking alternately with the minister. Mason. Alternation of generation. See under Generation. (more info) 1. The reciprocal succession of things in time or place; the act of following and being
    One who, or that which; sounds; specifically, an instrument used in telegraphy in place of a register, the communications being read by sound.
    1. Having light; lighted; not dark or gloomy; bright. White walls make rooms more lightsome than black. Bacon. 2. Gay; airy; cheering; exhilarating. That lightsome affection of joy. Hooker. -- Light"some*ly, adv. -- Light"some*ness, n. Happiness
    One who deals in words, or in mere words; a verbalist. "Some speculative wordsman." H. Bushnell.
    The state, condition, or quality, of being light or not heavy; buoyancy; levity; fickleness; delicacy; grace. Syn. -- Levity; volatility; instability; inconstancy; unsteadiness; giddiness; flightiness; airiness; gayety; liveliness; agility;
    Armed with light weapons or accouterments.
    A usage, among diplomats, of rotation in precedence among representatives of equal rank, sometimes determined by lot and at other times in regular order. The practice obtains in the signing of treaties and conventions between nations.
    A full-sized model around which a mold of sand is made, to receive the melted metal. It is usually made of wood and in several parts, so as to be removed from the mold without injuring it. Pattern box, chain, or cylinder , devices, in a loom, for
    1. The price paid for conveyance of goods on a lighter. 2. The act of unloading into a lighter, or of conveying by a lighter.
    1. An old tune of a dance, the name of which made it a proverbial expression of levity, especially in love matters. Nares. "Best sing it to the tune of light-o'-love." Shak. 2. Hence: A light or wanton woman. Beau. & Fl.
    Not capable of being sounded or fathomed; unfathomable. Shak.
    Having a light, springy step; nimble in running or dancing; active; as, light-foot Iris. Tennyson.
    A tower or other building with a powerful light at top, erected at the entrance of a port, or at some important point on a coast, to serve as a guide to mariners at night; a pharos.
    In a sound manner.
    The quality of being alternate, or of following by turns.
    The quality of being alternative, or of offering a choice between two.
    The quality or state of being sound; as, the soundness of timber, of fruit, of the teeth, etc.; the soundness of reasoning or argument; soundness of faith. Syn. -- Firmness; strength; solidity; healthiness; truth; rectitude.
    Etym: 1. To strike with a quick succession of slight, sharp sounds; as, pattering rain or hail; pattering feet. The stealing shower is scarce to patter heard. Thomson. 2. To mutter; to mumble; as, to patter with the lips. Tyndale. Etym: 3. To talk
    The quality or state of being slight; slenderness; feebleness; superficiality; also, formerly, negligence; indifference; disregard.
    Giving delight; gladdening. -- De*light"ing*ly, adv. Jer. Taylor.
    Pompous; noisy; ostentatious; as, high-sounding words or titles.
    resonare; pref. re- re- + sonare to sound, sonus sound. See Sound to 1. To sound loudly; as, his voice resounded far. 2. To be filled with sound; to ring; as, the woods resound with song. 3. To be echoed; to be sent back, as sound. "Common fame
    A very intense light, produced by turning two streams of gas, one oxygen and the other hydrogen, or coal gas, in a state of ignition, upon a ball of lime; or a stream of oxygen gas through a flame of alcohol upon a ball or disk of lime; -- called
    Void of delight. Thomson.
    To slight. B. Jonson.
    The calico bass. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps.
    A horizontal vane revolving over the surface of wort in a cooler, to produce a circular current in the liquor. Knight.
    The light of the sun. Milton.
    1. Succeeding by turns; successive. 2. Subordinate; subaltern; inferior. All their subalternate and several kinds. Evelyn.
    An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant.
    In a slighting manner.


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