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Word Meanings - NEO-DARWINISM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The theory which holds natural selection, as explained by Darwin, to be the chief factor in the evolution of plants and animals, and denies the inheritance of acquired characters; -- esp. opposed to Neo-Lamarckism. Weismannism is an example

Additional info about word: NEO-DARWINISM

The theory which holds natural selection, as explained by Darwin, to be the chief factor in the evolution of plants and animals, and denies the inheritance of acquired characters; -- esp. opposed to Neo-Lamarckism. Weismannism is an example of extreme Neo- Darwinism. -- Ne`o-Dar*win"i*an, a. & n.

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    Without a chief or leader.
    1. One versed in natural science; a student of natural history, esp. of the natural history of animals. 2. One who holds or maintains the doctrine of naturalism in religion. H. Bushnell.
    The condition or quality of being opposable. In no savage have I ever seen the slightest approach to opposability of the great toe, which is the essential distinguishing feature of apes. A. R. Wallace.
    Steel made by the direct refining of cast iron in a finery, or, as wootz, by a direct process from the ore.
    Capable of being acquired.
    One who belongs to the opposition party. Praed.
    To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own; as, to acquire a title, riches, knowledge, skill, good or bad habits. No virtue is acquired in an instant, but step by step. Barrow. Descent is the title whereby a man, on the death of
    First or foremost; chief; principal. "Our chiefest courtier." Shak. The chiefest among ten thousand. Canticles v. 10.
    1. One skilled in evolutions. 2. one who holds the doctrine of evolution, either in biology or in metaphysics. Darwin.
    Capable of being put in opposition. Bp. Hall.
    out+plandare to make level or plain, planus plain: cf. OF. esplaner, 1. To flatten; to spread out; to unfold; to expand. The horse-chestnut is . . . ready to explain its leaf. Evelyn. 2. To make plain, manifest, or intelligible; to clear
    Not to be effectually opposed; irresistible. "Your great opposeless wills." Shak.
    The theory of, or belief in, evolution. See Evolution, 6 and 7.
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
    Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; -- said or certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1. (more info)
    To give warning to; -- said of a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached, the warning being to the effect that he shall not pay the money or deliver the property of the defendant in his hands to him, but appear and answer the
    1. To make natural; as, custom naturalizes labor or study. 2. To confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen on; to make as if native; to adopt, as a foreigner into a nation or state, and place in the condition of
    Placed at the same node with a leaf, but separated from it by the whole diameter of the stem; as, an oppositifolious peduncle.
    the root of hwa who + lic body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. welih, hwelih, Icel. hvilikr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, 1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who.
    The state or quality of being natural; conformity to nature.
    The quality or state of being supernatural.
    Having no example or similar case; being without precedent; unprecedented; unparalleled. "A revolution . . . unexampled for grandeur of results." De Quincey.
    A smelling organ; a nose.
    Preternaturalness. Dr. John Smith.
    The theory, advanced by Thomson on the basis of investigation by Helmholtz, that the atoms are vortically moving ring-shaped masses (or masses of other forms having a similar internal motion) of a homogeneous, incompressible, frictionless fluid.
    A heater; one who, or that which, makes hot, as a stove, etc.
    couvrechef, F. couvrechef, a head covering, fr. couvrir to cover + 1. A square of fine linen worn by women as a covering for the head; hence, anything similar in form or material, worn for ornament on other parts of the person; -- mostly used in
    The theory which maintains that the primitive elements of language are reflex expressions induced by sensory impressions; that is, as stated by Max Müller, the creative faculty gave to each general conception as it thrilled for the first
    + chief end, head, F. chef chief. See Minus, and 1. Harm; damage; esp., disarrangement of order; trouble or vexation caused by human agency or by some living being, intentionally or not; often, calamity, mishap; trivial evil caused by
    1. An evil doer; one who commits a crime; one subject to public prosecution and punishment; a criminal. 2. One who does wrong by injuring another, although not a criminal. H. Brooke. Fuller. Syn. -- Evil doer; criminal; culprit; felon; convict.
    1. Giving or producing satisfaction; yielding content; especially, relieving the mind from doubt or uncertainty, and enabling it to rest with confidence; sufficient; as, a satisfactory account or explanation. 2. Making amends, indemnification,
    Bound with a kerchief; draped; hooded; covered. Milton. That soft, enkerchiefed hair. M. Arnold.
    Of, pertaining to, or connected with, the sense of smell; as, the olfactory nerves; the olfactory cells. Olfactory organ , an organ for smelling. In vertebrates the olfactory organs are more or less complicated sacs, situated in the front part
    The theory that living organisms can be produced only by the development of living germs. Cf. Biogenesis, Abiogenesis. 2. The theory which attributes contagious and infectious diseases, suppurative lesions, etc., to the agency of germs.


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