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Word Meanings - MEN-PLEASER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One whose motive is to please men or the world, rather than God. Eph. vi. 6.

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    The possessive of whosoever. See Whosoever.
    Prior; earlier; former. Now no man dwelleth at the rather town. Sir J. Mandeville.
    1. Relating to the world; human; common; as, worldly maxims; worldly actions. "I thus neglecting worldly ends." Shak. Many years it hath continued, standing by no other worldly mean but that one only hand which erected it. Hooker. 2. Pertaining
    Devoted to worldly interests; mindful of the affairs of the present life, and forgetful of those of the future; loving and pursuing this world's goods, to the exclusion of piety and attention to spiritual concerns. -- World"ly*mind`ed*ness, n.
    Extended throughout the world; as, world-wide fame. Tennyson.
    One who pleases or gratifies.
    A person whose soul is set upon gaining temporal possessions; one devoted to this world and its enjoyments. A foutre for the world and worldlings base. Shak. If we consider the expectations of futurity, the worldling gives up the argument. Rogers.
    1. To afford or impart pleasure; to excite agreeable emotions. What pleasing scemed, for her now pleases more. Milton. For we that live to please, must please to live. Johnson. 2. To have pleasure; to be willing, as a matter of affording pleasure
    Wise in regard to things of this world. Bunyan.
    The possessive case of who or which. See Who, and Which. Whose daughter art thou tell me, I pray thee. Gen. xxiv. 23. The question whose solution I require. Dryden.
    The quality of being worldly; a predominant passion for obtaining the good things of this life; covetousness; addictedness to gain and temporal enjoyments; worldly-mindedness.
    Experiencing pleasure. -- Pleas"ed*ly, adv. -- Pleas"ed*ness, n.
    Destitute of a motive; not incited by a motive. -- Mo"tive*less*ness, n. G. Eliot.
    An officious person who courts favor servilely; a pickthank. Shak.
    worold; akin to OS. werold, D. wereld, OHG. weralt, worolt, werolt, werlt, G. welt, Icel. veröld, Sw. verld, Dan. verden; properly, the age of man, lifetime, humanity; AS. wer a man + a word akin to E. old; cf. AS. yld lifetime, age, ylde men,
    The theme or subject; a leading phrase or passage which is reproduced and varied through the course of a comor a movement; a short figure, or melodic germ, out of which a whole movement is (more info) 1. That which moves; a mover. Shak. 2. That
    Movable by hand.
    To please excessively.
    A world between other worlds. Holland.
    Tending to advance, promote, or encourage. Hume.
    1. The lower of inferior world; the world which is under the heavens; the earth. That overspreads This underworld. Daniel. 2. The mythological place of departed souls; Hades. 3. The portion of the world which is below the horizon; the opposite
    One who complies with prevailing opinions, whatever they may be; a timeserver. Timepleasers, flatterers, foes to nobleness. Shak.
    Susceptibility to emotion. G. Eliot.
    One whose motive is to please men or the world, rather than God. Eph. vi. 6.
    One who displeases.


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