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Word Meanings - LAVENDER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An aromatic plant of the genus Lavandula , common in the south of Europe. It yields and oil used in medicine and perfumery. The Spike lavender yields a coarser oil (oil of spike), used in the arts. 2. The pale, purplish color of lavender flowers,

Additional info about word: LAVENDER

An aromatic plant of the genus Lavandula , common in the south of Europe. It yields and oil used in medicine and perfumery. The Spike lavender yields a coarser oil (oil of spike), used in the arts. 2. The pale, purplish color of lavender flowers, paler and more delicate than lilac. Lavender cotton , a low, twiggy, aromatic shrub of the Mediterranean region, formerly used as a vermifuge, etc., and still used to keep moths from wardrobes. Also called ground cypress. -- Lavender water, a perfume composed of alcohol, essential oil of lavender, essential oil of bergamot, and essence of ambergris. -- Sea lavender. See Marsh rosemary. -- To lay in lavender. To lay away, as clothing, with sprigs of lavender. To pawn. (more info) a washing, fr. L. lavare to wash; cf. It. lsavendola, LL. lavendula. So called because it was used in bathing and washing. See Lave. to

Related words: (words related to LAVENDER)

    A vender of paints, etc. Simmonds.
    To ward or from the southwest; as, a southwesterly course; a southwesterly wind.
    1. One of the common people; one having no rank of nobility. All below them even their children, were commoners, and in the eye law equal to each other. Hallam. 2. A member of the House of Commons. 3. One who has a joint right in common ground.
    Southern. "I am a Southren man." Chaucer.
    A subdivision of Carnivora having plantigrade feet. It includes the bears, raccoons, and allied species.
    The embryo which has begun its development in the act of germination.
    Walking on the sole of the foot; pertaining to the plantigrades. Having the foot so formed that the heel touches the ground when the leg is upright.
    An aromatic plant of the genus Lavandula , common in the south of Europe. It yields and oil used in medicine and perfumery. The Spike lavender yields a coarser oil (oil of spike), used in the arts. 2. The pale, purplish color of lavender flowers,
    Colored. Ray.
    Somewhat common; commonplace; vulgar.
    The quantitative determination of the depth of color of a substance. 2. A method of quantitative chemical analysis based upon the comparison of the depth of color of a solution with that of a standard liquid.
    1. Usually; generally; ordinarily; frequently; for the most part; as, confirmed habits commonly continue trough life. 2. In common; familiary. Spenser.
    the old squaw; -- so called in imitation of its cry. Called also southerly, and southerland. See under Old.
    Specifically, the form of government established on the death of Charles I., in 1649, which existed under Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard, ending with the abdication of the latter in 1659. Syn. -- State; realm; republic. (more info) 1. A state;
    Government by planters; planters, collectively.
    Distance of any heavenly body south of the equator; south declination; south latitude. (more info) 1. Tendency or progress southward; as, the southing of the sun. Emerson. 2. The time at which the moon, or other heavenly body, passes the meridian
    A yellowish beetle , with ten longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very destructive to the potato plant; -- called also potato beetle and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
    The act of displanting; removal; displacement. Sir W. Raleigh.
    heels, to throw down; sub under + planta the sole of the foot, also, 1. To trip up. "Supplanted, down he fell." Milton. 2. To remove or displace by stratagem; to displace and take the place of; to supersede; as, a rival supplants another in the
    See MARSH
    Not common; unusual; infrequent; rare; hence, remarkable; strange; as, an uncommon season; an uncommon degree of cold or heat; uncommon courage. Syn. -- Rare; scarce; infrequent; unwonted. -- Un*com"mon*ly, adv. -- Un*com"mon*ness, n.
    Of the same color; of uniform color. "Concolor animals." Sir T. Browne.
    A student at Cambridge University, England, who commons, or dines, at the Fellow's table.
    To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc. (more info) 1. To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table. Bacon.
    The pleural and peritoneal membranes, or the membrane lining the body cavity and covering the surface of the inclosed viscera; the peritoneum; -- used especially in the case of those animals in which the body cavity is not divided. Note: Peritoneum
    A brownish yellow color. (more info) Spanish princess Isabella, daughter of king Philip II., in allusion to the color assumed by her shift, which she wore without change from
    Having the tarsus covered behind with a horny sheath continuous on both sides, as in most singing birds, except the larks.
    A subdivision of a genus, comprising one or more species which differ from other species of the genus in some important character or characters; as, the azaleas now constitute a subgenus of Rhododendron.


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