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Word Meanings - GAMBOL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank. Dryden. (more info) It. gambata kick, fr. L. gamba leg, akin to F. jambe, OF. also, gambe, fr. L. gamba, hoof or perh. joint: cf. Gr. cam crooked; perh. akin to E. chamber:

Additional info about word: GAMBOL

A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank. Dryden. (more info) It. gambata kick, fr. L. gamba leg, akin to F. jambe, OF. also, gambe, fr. L. gamba, hoof or perh. joint: cf. Gr. cam crooked; perh. akin to E. chamber: cf.F. gambiller to kick about. Cf. Jamb, n.,

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    1. The state of being gay; merriment; mirth; acts or entertainments prompted by, or inspiring, merry delight; -- used often in the plural; as, the gayeties of the season. 2. Finery; show; as, the gayety of dress. Syn. -- Liveliness; mirth;
    One who, or that which, droops.
    Frolicsome. Richardson.
    In a drooping manner.
    Without sport or mirth; joyless.
    Of pertaining to, or engaging in, sport or sporrts; exhibiting the character or conduct of one who, or that which, sports. Sporting book, a book containing a record of bets, gambling operations, and the like. C. Kingsley. -- Sporting house, a house
    Making or producing mirth; convivial; jolly.
    Tending to, engaged in, or provocate of, sport; gay; froliscome; playful; merry. Is it I That drive thee from the sportive court Shak. -- Sport"ive*ly, adv. -- Sport"ive*ness, n.
    Of or pertaining to sports; used in sports. "Sportal arms." Dryden.
    1. Full of sport; merry; frolicsome; full of jesting; indulging in mirth or play; playful; wanton; as, a sportful companion. Down he alights among the sportful herd. Milton. 2. Done in jest, or for mere play; sportive. They are no sportful
    A merry frolic; especially, a drinking frolic; a carousal.
    One who sports; a sportsman. As this gentleman and I have been old fellow sporters, I have a frienship for him. Goldsmith.
    A little person or creature engaged in sports or in play. When again the lambkins play --Pretty sportlings, full of May. Philips.
    A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank. Dryden. (more info) It. gambata kick, fr. L. gamba leg, akin to F. jambe, OF. also, gambe, fr. L. gamba, hoof or perh. joint: cf. Gr. cam crooked; perh. akin to E. chamber:
    One who makes merriment or indulges in conviviality; a jovial comrade.
    1. The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general. The entertainment of Christ by faith. Baxter. The sincere entertainment and practice of the precepts of the
    A gift; a present; a prize; hence, an alms; a largess. To feed luxuriously, to frequent sports and theaters, to run for the sportula. South.
    Full of levity; dancing, playing, or frisking about; full of pranks; frolicsome; gay; merry. The frolic wind that breathes the spring. Milton. The gay, the frolic, and the loud. Waller. (more info) fr, Dan. fro, OS. fr, cf. Icel. fr swift; all
    One who pursues the sports of the field; one who hunts, fishes, etc.
    Play; sport; pastime; diversion; playfulness. Milton.
    To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion. Bp. Hall.
    That transports; fig., ravishing. Your transporting chords ring out. Keble.
    To cause to cease being weary; to refresh. Dryden.
    Transportation; the act of removing from one locality to another. "The transportal of seeds in the wool or fur of quadrupeds." Darwin.
    The quality or state of being transportable.
    Conveyed from one place to another; figuratively, carried away with passion or pleasure; entranced. -- Trans*port"ed*ly, adv. -- Trans*port"ed*ness, n.
    Act of disporting; diversion; play. Dr. H. More.
    1. To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey; as, to transport goods; to transport troops. Hakluyt. 2. To carry, or cause to be carried, into banishment, as a criminal; to banish. 3. To carry away with vehement emotion, as
    Weary of living. Shak.
    1. Capable of being transported. 2. Incurring, or subject to, the punishment of transportation; as, a transportable offense.
    To weary too much; to tire out. Dryden.


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