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Word Meanings - FUNDHOLDER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who has money invested in the public funds. J. S. Mill.

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    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge,
    1. With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made. 2. In the name of the community. Addison.
    In Great Britain, any of various schools maintained by the community, wholly or partly under public control, or maintained largely by endowment and not carried on chiefly for profit; specif., and commonly, any of various select and usually
    A corporation, such as a railroad company, lighting company, water company, etc., organized or chartered to follow a public calling or to render services more or less essential to the general public convenience or safety.
    Given to investigation; inquisitive; curious; searching.
    1. The quality or state of being public, or open to the view or notice of people at large; publicity; notoriety; as, the publicness of a sale. 2. The quality or state of belonging to the community; as, the publicness of property. Boyle.
    A farmer of the taxes and public revenues; hence, a collector of toll or tribute. The inferior officers of this class were often oppressive in their exactions, and were regarded with great detestation. As Jesus at meat . . . many publicans
    1. A person who deals in money; banker or broker. 2. An authorized coiner of money. Sir M. Hale. The Company of Moneyers, the officials who formerly coined the money of Great Britain, and who claimed certain prescriptive rights and privileges.
    Covering; clothing. Woodward.
    1. The act of publishing or making known; notification to the people at large, either by words, writing, or printing; proclamation; divulgation; promulgation; as, the publication of the law at Mount Sinai; the publication of the gospel;
    1. A tax paid to the first two Norman kings of England to prevent them from debashing the coin. Hume. 2. Mintage; coinage.
    Livery of seizin. The grant of land or a feud was perfected by the ceremony oinvestiture, or open delivery of possession. Blackstone. 3. That with which anyone is invested or clothed; investment; clothing; covering. While we yet have on Our gross
    The quality or state of being public, or open to the knowledge of a community; notoriety; publicness.
    fr. L. moneta. See Mint place where coin is made, Mind, and cf. 1. A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and
    Public-spirited. -- Pub"lic-mind`ed*ness, n.
    1. Of or pertaining to the people; belonging to the people; relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community; -- opposed to private; as, the public treasury. To the public good Private respects must yield. Milton. He touched the dead
    To inclose; to surround of hem in with troops, so as to intercept succors of men and provisions and prevent escape; to lay siege to; as, to invest a town. 7. To lay out in business with the as, to invest money in bank stock. (more info) 1. To
    1. Supplied with money; having money; wealthy; as, moneyey men. Bacon. 2. Converted into money; coined. If exportation will not balance importation, away must your silver go again, whether moneyed or not moneyed. Locke. 3. Consisting
    The act of investing anew; a second or repeated investment.
    To invest again or anew.
    An outer vestment or garment. Bp. Horne.
    Bribed. Fuller.


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