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Word Meanings - FORSPEAK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To forbid; to prohibit. Shak. 2. To bewitch. Drayton.

Related words: (words related to FORSPEAK)

    Having power to bewitch or fascinate; enchanting; captivating; charming. -- Be*witch"ing*ly, adv. -- Be*witch"ing*ness, n.
    The act of forbidding; prohibition; command or edict against a thing. ow hast thou yield to transgress The strict forbiddance. Milton.
    The power of bewitching or fascinating; bewitchment; charm; fascination. There is a certain bewitchery or fascination in words. South.
    In a forbidden or unlawful manner. Shak.
    One who prohibits or forbids; a forbidder; an interdicter.
    Tending to prohibit, forbid, or exclude; implying prohibition; forbidding; as, a prohibitory law; a prohibitory price. Prohibitory index. See under Index.
    That prohibits; prohibitory; as, a tax whose effect is prohibitive.
    1. The act of prohibiting; a declaration or injunction forbidding some action; interdict. The law of God, in the ten commandments, consists mostly of prohibitions. Tillotson. 2. Specifically, the forbidding by law of the sale of alcoholic liquors
    Repelling approach; repulsive; raising abhorrence, aversion, or dislike; disagreeable; prohibiting or interdicting; as, a forbidding aspect; a forbidding formality; a forbidding air. Syn. -- Disagreeable; unpleasant; displeasing; offensive;
    The state of being bewitched. Gauden.
    1. The act of bewitching, or the state of being bewitched. Tylor. 2. The power of bewitching or charming. Shak.
    1. To gain an ascendency over by charms or incantations; to affect by witchcraft or sorcery. See how I am bewitched; behold, mine arm Is like a blasted sapling withered up. Shak. 2. To charm; to fascinate; to please to such a degree as to take
    One who bewitches.
    Prohibited; interdicted. I kniw no spells, use no forbidden arts. Milton. Forbidden fruit. Any coveted unlawful pleasure, -- so called with reference to the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. A small variety of shaddock . The name is
    1. One who favors prohibitory duties on foreign goods in commerce; a protectionist. 2. One who favors the prohibition of the sale (or of the sale and manufacture) of alcoholic liquors as beverages.
    One who forbids. Milton.
    1. To forbid by authority; to interdict; as, God prohibited Adam from eating of the fruit of a certain tree; we prohibit a person from doing a thing, and also the doing of the thing; as, the law prohibits men from stealing, or it prohibits
    for- + beĆ³dan to bid; akin to D. verbieden, G. verbieten, Icel., 1. To command against, or contrary to; to prohibit; to interdict. More than I have said . . . The leisure and enforcement of the time Forbids to dwell upon. Shak. 2. To deny, exclude
    To free from a spell; to disenchant. South.


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