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Word Meanings - FIREBRAND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. A piece of burning wood. L'Estrange. 2. One who inflames factions, or causes contention and mischief; an incendiary. Bacon.

Related words: (words related to FIREBRAND)

    extraneare to treat as a stranger, from extraneus strange. See 1. To withdraw; to withhold; hence, reflexively, to keep at a distance; to cease to be familiar and friendly with. We must estrange our belief from everything which is not clearly and
    The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked; formerly, the flesh of a pig salted or fresh. Bacon beetle , a beetle which, especially in the larval state, feeds upon bacon, woolens, furs, etc. See Dermestes. -- To save one's bacon, to save one's
    Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon, or to his system of philosophy. Baconian method, the inductive method. See Induction.
  • BURN
    To apply a cautery to; to cauterize. (more info) birnen, v.i., AS. bærnan, bernan, v.t., birnan, v.i.; akin to OS. brinnan, OFries. barna, berna, OHG. brinnan, brennan, G. brennen, OD. bernen, D. branden, Dan. brænde, Sw. bränna, brinna, Icel.
    1. One who burnishes. 2. A tool with a hard, smooth, rounded end or surface, as of steel, ivory, or agate, used in smoothing or polishing by rubbing. It has a variety of forms adapted to special uses.
    + chief end, head, F. chef chief. See Minus, and 1. Harm; damage; esp., disarrangement of order; trouble or vexation caused by human agency or by some living being, intentionally or not; often, calamity, mishap; trivial evil caused by
    One who estranges.
    To cause to shine; to make smooth and bright; to polish; specifically, to polish by rubbing with something hard and smooth; as, to burnish brass or paper. The frame of burnished steel, that east a glare From far, and seemed to thaw the freezing
    1. One who pieces; a patcher. 2. A child employed in spinning mill to tie together broken threads.
    The ladybird.
    Divided into pieces.
    1. In pieces; in parts or fragments. "On which it piecemeal brake." Chapman. The beasts will tear thee piecemeal. Tennyson. 2. Piece by piece; by little and little in succession. Piecemeal they win, this acre first, than that. Pope.
    Mischievous. Foote.
    Mischievous. Lydgate.
    A genus of perennial herbs ; especially, P.Sanguisorba, the common, or garden, burnet. Burnet moth , in England, a handsome moth , with crimson spots on the wings. -- Burnet saxifrage. See Saxifrage. -- Canadian burnet, a marsh plant . --
    1. One who, or that which, burns or sets fire to anything. 2. The part of a lamp, gas fixture, etc., where the flame is produced. Bunsen's burner , a kind of burner, invented by Professor Bunsen of Heidelberg, consisting of a straight tube, four
    1. A violent effort or struggle to obtain, or to resist, something; contest; strife. I would my arcontenion. Shak. 2. Strife in words; controversy; altercation quarrel; dispute; as, a bone of contention. Contentions and strivings about the law.
    Not made of pieces; whole; entire.
    Causing harm; exciting enmity or quarrels. Rowe. -- n.
    See BURNT
    To burn too much; to be overzealous.
    See BURNER
    Sunburn; tan. Boyle.
    To burn or discolor by the sun; to tan. Sunburnt and swarthy though she be. Dryden.
    The collar beam of a roof; the spanpiece. Gwilt.
    The jet piece of a gas fixture where the gas is burned as it escapes from one or more minute orifices.
    1. Flaxen-colored. Florio. 2. Reddish brown. His auburn locks on either shoulder flowed. Dryden.
    An upright or curved piece of timber connecting the plank sheer with the gunwale; also, a scroll terminating a rail.
    A part of male dress in front of the breeches, formerly made very conspicuous. Shak. Fosbroke.
    A small leguminous tree , native of the Alps. The plant is reputed to be poisonous, esp. the bark and seeds. It has handsome racemes of yellow blossoms. Note: Scotch laburnum is similar, but has smooth leaves; purple laburnum is C. purpureus.


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