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Word Meanings - EXPORTATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act of exporting; the act of conveying or sending commodities abroad or to another country, in the course of commerce. 2. Commodity exported; an export. 3. The act of carrying out. Bourne.

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    A light thin stuff of silk. Chaucer. Wore she not a veil of twisted sendal embroidered with silver Sir W. Scott. (more info) LL. cendallum, Gr.
    Of another sort. It used to go in another-guess manner. Arbuthnot.
    A dwelling in the country, used as a place of retirement from the city.
    1. Hunted; as, a coursed hare. 2. Arranged in courses; as, coursed masonry.
    Suitable for exportation; as, exportable products.
    1. The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7. 2. THe ground or path traversed; track; way. The same horse also run the round course at Newmarket.
    1. One who, or that which, conveys or carries, transmits or transfers. 2. One given to artifices or secret practices; a juggler; a cheat; a thief. Shak.
    A club usually located in the suburbs or vicinity of a city or town and devoted mainly to outdoor sports.
    A carack. Chaucer.
    1. Convenience; accommodation; profit; benefit; advantage; interest; commodiousness. Drawn by the commodity of a footpath. B. Jonson. Men may seek their own commodity, yet if this were done with injury to others, it was not to be suffered. Hooker.
    A particular rural district; a country neighborhood. W. Black. Blackmore.
    One whose business is to draw up conveyances of property, as deeds, mortgages, leases, etc. Burrill.
    A space in the galley; a part of the hatches. Ham. Nav. Encyc.
    A contrivance for carrying objects from place to place; esp., one for conveying grain, coal, etc., -- as a spiral or screw turning in a pipe or trough, an endless belt with buckets, or a truck running along a rope.
    conviare, fr. L. con- + via way. See Viaduct, Voyage, and cf. 1. To carry from one place to another; to bear or transport. I will convey them by sea in fleats. 1 Kings v. 9. Convey me to my bed, then to my grave. Shak. 2. To cause to pass from
    A light covered carriage, having four wheels and seats for four or more persons, usually drawn by one horse.
    1. One more, in addition to a former number; a second or additional one, similar in likeness or in effect. Another yet! -- a seventh! I 'll see no more. Shak. Would serve to scale another Hero's tower. Shak. 2. Not the same; different. He winks,
    A national bank not in a reserve city.
    1. At large; widely; broadly; over a wide space; as, a tree spreads its branches abroad. The fox roams far abroad. Prior. 2. Without a certain confine; outside the house; away from one's abode; as, to walk abroad. I went to St. James',
    Having recurring flow and ebb; moving alternately. Drayton.
    1. To convey back or to the former place; as, to reconvey goods. 2. To transfer back to a former owner; as, to reconvey an estate.
    The act of reƫxporting, or of exporting an import. A. Smith.
    To export again, as what has been imported.
    A failure of exportation; a not exporting of commodities.
    A This sweet intercourse Of looks and smiles. Milton. Sexual intercourse, sexual or carnal connection; coition. Syn. -- Communication; connection; commerce; communion; fellowship; familiarity; acquaintance. (more info) commerce, exchange,
    fr. discurrere, discursum, to run to and fro, to discourse; dis- + 1. The power of the mind to reason or infer by running, as it were, from one fact or reason to another, and deriving a conclusion; an exercise or act of this power; reasoning; range
    Bearing scars or marks of wounds.
    To send on from an intermediate station by means of a repeater. (more info) 1. To send again; as, to resend a message. 2. To send back; as, to resend a gift. Shak.
    A stream or rivulet; a burn. My little boat can safely pass this perilous bourn. Spenser. (more info) brunno spring, G. born, brunnen, OHG. prunno, Goth. brunna, Icel. brunnr, and perh. to Gr. burn, v., because the source of a stream seems to issue
    1. To carry, or go, wrong; to fail of reaching a destination, or fail of the intended effect; to be unsuccessful; to suffer defeat. My ships have all miscarried. Shak. The cardinal's letters to the pope miscarried. Shak. 2. To bring forth young


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