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Word Meanings - DISTASTEFUL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Unpleasant or disgusting to the taste; nauseous; loathsome. 2. Offensive; displeasing to the feelings; disagreeable; as, a distasteful truth. Distasteful answer, and sometimes unfriendly actions. Milton. 3. Manifesting distaste or

Additional info about word: DISTASTEFUL

1. Unpleasant or disgusting to the taste; nauseous; loathsome. 2. Offensive; displeasing to the feelings; disagreeable; as, a distasteful truth. Distasteful answer, and sometimes unfriendly actions. Milton. 3. Manifesting distaste or dislike; repulsive. "Distasteful looks." Shak. Syn. -- Nauseous; unsavory; unpalatable; offensive; displeasing; dissatisfactory; disgusting. - Dis*taste"ful*ly, adv. -- Dis*taste"ful*ness, n.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of DISTASTEFUL)

Related words: (words related to DISTASTEFUL)

    1. Subject; liable; exposed; answerable; amenable; -- with to. The writings of lawyers, which are tied obnoxious to their particular laws. Bacon. Esteeming it more honorable to live on the public than to be obnoxious to any private purse. Milton.
    The quality or state of being fetid.
    1. Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words. 2. Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds. "Offensive to the stomach."
    Displeasure; discontent; annoyance. Chaucer.
    1. Unpleasant or disgusting to the taste; nauseous; loathsome. 2. Offensive; displeasing to the feelings; disagreeable; as, a distasteful truth. Distasteful answer, and sometimes unfriendly actions. Milton. 3. Manifesting distaste or
    Having an offensive smell; stinking. Most putrefactions . . . smell either fetid or moldy. Bacon.
    One who displeases.
    Unpleasing; offensive; unpleasant. Speed. -- Dis*pleas"ant*ly, adv. Strype. -- Dis*pleas"ant*ness, n.
    Causing displeasure or dissatisfaction; offensive; disagreeable. -- Dis*pleas"ing*ly, adv. -- Dis*pleas"ing*ness, n. Locke.
    1. The feeling of one who is displeased; irritation or uneasiness of the mind, occasioned by anything that counteracts desire or command, or which opposes justice or a sense of propriety; disapprobation; dislike; dissatisfaction; disfavor;
    Tending or disposed to aggress; characterized by aggression; making assaults; unjustly attacking; as, an aggressive policy, war, person, nation. -- Ag*gres"sive*ly, adv. -- Ag*gres"sive*ness, n. No aggressive movement was made. Macaulay.
    Displeasure. South.
    pref. des- + plaisir to please. See Please, and cf. 1. To make not pleased; to excite a feeling of disapprobation or dislike in; to be disagreeable to; to offend; to vex; -- often followed by with or at. It usually expresses less than to anger,
    With displeasure.
    1. Giving no offense, or provocation; causing no uneasiness, annoyance, or disturbance; as, an inoffensive man, answer, appearance. 2. Harmless; doing no injury or mischief. Dryden. 3. Not obstructing; presenting no interruption bindrance. Milton.
    The fetid gum resin or inspissated juice of a large umbelliferous plant of Persia and the East India.


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