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Word Meanings - CHIEF - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The upper third part of the field. It is supposed to be composed of the dexter, sinister, and middle chiefs. In chief. At the head; as, a commander in chief. From the king, or sovereign; as, tenure in chief, tenure directly from the king.

Additional info about word: CHIEF

The upper third part of the field. It is supposed to be composed of the dexter, sinister, and middle chiefs. In chief. At the head; as, a commander in chief. From the king, or sovereign; as, tenure in chief, tenure directly from the king. Syn. -- Chieftain; captain; general; commander; leader; head; principal; sachem; sagamore; sheik. -- Chief, chieftain, Commander, Leader. These words fluctuate somewhat in their meaning according to circumstances, but agree in the general idea of rule and authority. The term chief is now more usually applied to one who is a head man, leader, or commander in civil or military affairs, or holds a hereditary or acquired rank in a tribe or clan; as, the chief of police; the chief of an Indian tribe. A chieftain is the chief of a clan or tribe , or a military leader. A commander directs the movements of or has control over a body of men, as a military or naval force. A leader is one whom men follow, as in a political party, a legislative body, a military or scientific expedition, etc., one who takes the command and gives direction in particular enterprises. (more info) 1. The head or leader of any body of men; a commander, as of an army; a head man, as of a tribe, clan, or family; a person in authority who directs the work of others; the pricipal actio or agent. 2. The principal part; the most valuable portion. The chief of the things which should be utterly destroyed.1. Sam. xv.

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    The quality of being principal.
    See OFFICE
    Without a chief or leader.
    First in time or place; most advanced; chief in rank or dignity; as, the foremost troops of an army. THat struck the foremost man of all this world. Shak. (more info) superl. of forma first, which is a superl. fr. fore fore; cf. Goth. frumist,
    In a consummate manner; completely. T. Warton.
    In Utah, a legal holiday, July 24, commemorated the arrival, in 1847, of Brigham Young and his followers at the present site of Salt Lake City.
    1. Having or wearing a crown; surmounted, invested, or adorned, with a crown, wreath, garland, etc.; honored; rewarded; completed; consummated; perfected. "Crowned with one crest." Shak. "Crowned with conquest." Milton. With surpassing
    preëminence, excellence: cf. F. principalité, principauté. See 1. Sovereignty; supreme power; hence, superiority; predominance; high, or the highest, station. Sir P. Sidney. Your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory.
    same as Advancing edge, above.
    Sw. & Dan. förste, OHG. furist, G. fürst prince; a superlatiye form 1. Preceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest; as, the first day of a month; the first year of a reign. 2. Foremost; in front of, or in advance of,
    A coroner. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, crowns. Beau. & FL. 2. Etym:
    The state or quality of being sectional; sectionalism.
    The quality or state of being primitive; conformity to primitive style or practice.
    In a primeval manner; in or from the earliest times; originally. Darwin.
    In Austria-Hungary, one of the provinces, or largest administrative divisions of the monarchy; as, the crownland of Lower Austria.
    Comprising structural characters which are separated in more specialized forms; synthetic; as, a generalized type.
    Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule. Extreme cases are . . . not generalizable. Coleridge
    To divide according to gepgraphical sections or local interests. The principal results of the struggle were to sectionalize parties. Nicilay & Hay .
    The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases. Burrill.
    . An officer of the army holding a rank next above that of brigadier general and next below that of lieutenant general, and who usually commands a division or a corps.
    With the stern, instead of the bow, in advance; hence, figuratively, in an awkward, blundering manner. A fatal genius for going sternforemost. Lowell.
    One of a family of extinct edentates found in America. The family includes the megatherium, the megalonyx, etc.
    Graphite, or black lead, often used on the bottoms of racing vessels to diminish friction.
    To plead the contrary of; to plead against; to deny.
    couvrechef, F. couvrechef, a head covering, fr. couvrir to cover + 1. A square of fine linen worn by women as a covering for the head; hence, anything similar in form or material, worn for ornament on other parts of the person; -- mostly used in
    The mutual pleas and replies of the plaintiff and defendant, or written statements of the parties in support of their claims, proceeding from the declaration of the plaintiff, until issue is joined, and the question made to rest on some


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