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Word Meanings - APEX - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface. Apex of the earth's motion , that point of the heavens toward which the earth is moving in its orbit. (more info) 1. The tip, top, point, or angular summit of anything; as, the apex of a mountain,

Additional info about word: APEX

The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface. Apex of the earth's motion , that point of the heavens toward which the earth is moving in its orbit. (more info) 1. The tip, top, point, or angular summit of anything; as, the apex of a mountain, spire, or cone; the apex, or tip, of a leaf.

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    An igneous rock of semiglassy nature, having a luster like pitch.
    See OFFICE
    1. Having or wearing a crown; surmounted, invested, or adorned, with a crown, wreath, garland, etc.; honored; rewarded; completed; consummated; perfected. "Crowned with one crest." Shak. "Crowned with conquest." Milton. With surpassing
    The quantity a pitcher will hold.
    A coroner. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, crowns. Beau. & FL. 2. Etym:
    Blackness, as of pitch; darkness.
    A fork, or farming utensil, used in pitching hay, sheaves of grain, or the like.
    1. Act of succeeding; succession. Then all the sons of these five brethren reigned By due success. Spenser. 2. That which comes after; hence, consequence, issue, or result, of an endeavor or undertaking, whether good or bad; the outcome of effort.
    In Austria-Hungary, one of the provinces, or largest administrative divisions of the monarchy; as, the crownland of Lower Austria.
    The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases. Burrill.
    fr. meridies noon, midday, for older medidies; medius mid, middle + 1. Being at, or pertaining to, midday; belonging to, or passing through, the highest point attained by the sun in his diurnal course. "Meridian hour." Milton. Tables ... to find
    Having no success. Successless all her soft caresses prove. Pope. -- Suc*cess"less*ly, adv. -- Suc*cess"less*ness, n.
    Of or pertaining to the zenith. "The deep zenithal blue." Tyndall.
    The work of a coal miner who is paid by a share of his product.
    A saw in the form of a hollow cylinder, with teeth on the end or edge, and operated by a rotative motion. Note: The trephine was the first of the class of crownsaws. Knight.
    Without a crest or escutcheon; of low birth. "Crestless yeomen." Shak.
    A bearing worn, not upon the shield, but usually above it, or separately as an ornament for plate, liveries, and the like. It is a relic of the ancient cognizance. See Cognizance, 4. 4. The upper curve of a horse's neck. Throwing the base thong
    Without a crown.
    cenit, abbrev. fr. Ar. samt-urras way of the head, vertical place; 1. That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is vertical to the spectator; the point of the heavens directly overhead; -- opposed to nadir. From morn To noon he fell,
    1. One who pitches anything, as hay, quoits, a ball, etc.; specifically , the player who delivers the ball to the batsman. 2. A sort of crowbar for digging. Mortimer.
    To support as a crest; to bear. Shak.
    A game of cards in which the players bid for the privilege of determining or "pitching" the trump suit. R. F. Foster.
    One of a family of plants having pitcher-shaped leaves. The sidesaddle flower is the type. (more info) 1. A pitcher for water.
    To deprive of a crown; to take the crown from; hence, to discrown; to dethrone. He hath done me wrong, And therefore I'll uncrown him ere't be long. Shak.
    To deprive of a crown. The end had crowned the work; it not unreasonably discrowned the workman. Motley.


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