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Word Meanings - ANTECEDENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Going before in time; prior; anterior; preceding; as, an event antecedent to the Deluge; an antecedent cause. 2. Presumptive; as, an antecedent improbability. Syn. -- Prior; previous; foregoing.

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    Beforehand; in anticipation. She is come aforehand to anoint my body. Mark xiv. 8.
    1. The act or quality of being instant or pressing; urgency; solicitation; application; suggestion; motion. Undertook at her instance to restore them. Sir W. Scott. 2. That which is instant or urgent; motive. The instances that second marriage
    The state of being anterior or preceding in time or in situation; priority. Pope.
    The state or office of prior; priorate.
    In time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
    The quality or state of being previous; priority or antecedence in time.
    Beforehand; antecedently.
    A full-sized model around which a mold of sand is made, to receive the melted metal. It is usually made of wood and in several parts, so as to be removed from the mold without injuring it. Pattern box, chain, or cylinder , devices, in a loom, for
    One who warrants.
    Formerly; aforetime. dwelt in their tents, as beforetime. 2 Kings xiii. 5.
    1. Going before in time; prior; anterior; preceding; as, an event antecedent to the Deluge; an antecedent cause. 2. Presumptive; as, an antecedent improbability. Syn. -- Prior; previous; foregoing.
    1. On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than. Beyond that flaming hill. G. Fletcher. 2. At a place or time not yet reached; before. A thing beyond us, even before our death. Pope. 3. Past, out of the reach or
    1. To quit; to relinquish; to leave. Stay at the third cup, or forego the place. Herbert. 2. To relinquish the enjoyment or advantage of; to give up; to resign; to renounce; -- said of a thing already enjoyed, or of one within reach,
    Having a precedent; authorized or sanctioned by an example of a like kind. Walpole.
    Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a preface; introductory to a book, essay, or discourse; as, prefatory remarks. That prefatory addition to the Creed. Dryden.
    In the fore part of a vessel. (more info) 1. Before. If he have never drunk wine afore. Shak.
    1. Suitable for an introduction or beginning; introductory; prefatory; as, an initiatory step. Bp. Hall. 2. Tending or serving to initiate; introducing by instruction, or by the use and application of symbols or ceremonies; elementary; rudimentary.
    1. The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as, priority of application. 2. Precedence; superior rank. Shak. Priority of debts, a superior claim to payment, or a claim to payment before others.
    1. To go before in order of time; to occur first with relation to anything. "Harm precedes not sin." Milton. 2. To go before in place, rank, or importance. 3. To cause to be preceded; to preface; to introduce; -- used with by or with before the
    Introductory; previous; preceding the main discourse or business; prefatory; as, preliminary observations to a discourse or book; preliminary articles to a treaty; preliminary measures; preliminary examinations. Syn. -- Introductory; preparatory;
    One who deforms.
    Not warrantable; indefensible; not vindicable; not justifiable; illegal; unjust; improper. -- Un*war"rant*a*ble*ness, n. -- Un*war"rant*a*bly, adv.
    Having no example or similar case; being without precedent; unprecedented; unparalleled. "A revolution . . . unexampled for grandeur of results." De Quincey.
    The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
    Before that time; beforehand. Many a winter therebiforn. Chaucer.
    One who gives or incorrect information.
    One who informs a magistrate of violations of law; one who informs against another for violation of some law or penal statute. Common informer , one who habitually gives information of the violation of penal statutes, with a view to a prosecution


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