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Word Meanings - ANORTHOCLASE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A feldspar closely related to orthoclase, but triclinic. It is chiefly a silicate of sodium, potassium, and aluminium. Sp. gr., 2.57

Related words: (words related to ANORTHOCLASE)

    The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance. Mason.
    Common or potash feldspar crystallizing in the monoclinic system and having two cleavages at right angles to each other. See Feldspar.
    An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined, as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic weight 39.0. Symbol K . Note: It is reduced from the carbonate
    In a relative manner; in relation or respect to something else; not absolutely. Consider the absolute affections of any being as it is in itself, before you consider it relatively. I. Watts.
    1. To bring back; to restore. Abate your zealous haste, till morrow next again Both light of heaven and strength of men relate. Spenser. 2. To refer; to ascribe, as to a source. 3. To recount; to narrate; to tell over. This heavy act with heavy
    The state of being relative; as, the relativity of a subject. Coleridge.
    A female relator.
    A name given to a group of minerals, closely related in crystalline form, and all silicates of alumina with either potash, soda, lime, or, in one case, baryta. They occur in crystals and crystalline masses, vitreous in luster, and breaking rather
    Having, or characterized by, three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. See the Note under crystallization.
    Combined or impregnated with silicon or silica; as, silicated hydrogen; silicated rocks. Silicated soap, a hard soap containing silicate of soda.
    1. Having relation or kindred; related. We might be tempted to take these two nations for relational stems. Tooke. 2. Indicating or specifying some relation. Relational words, as prepositions, auxiliaries, etc. R. Morris.
    See 4 (more info) 1. Allied by kindred; connected by blood or alliance, particularly by consanguinity; as, persons related in the first or second degree. 2. Standing in relation or connection; as, the electric
    A private person at whose relation, or in whose behalf, the attorney-general allows an information in the nature of a quo warranto to be filed. (more info) 1. One who relates; a relater. "The several relators of this history." Fuller.
    One who relates or narrates.
    1. The act of relating or telling; also, that which is related; recital; account; narration; narrative; as, the relation of historical events. relation doth well figure them. Bacon. 2. The state of being related or of referring; what is apprehended
    The state or condition of being related; relationship; affinity. Emerson.
    A salt of silicic acid. Note: In mineralogical chemistry the silicates include; the unisilicates or orthosilicates, salts of orthosilicic acid; the bisilicates or metasilicates, salts of metasilicic acid; the polysilicates or acid silicates, salts
    1. In a close manner. 2. Secretly; privately. That nought she did but wayle, and often steepe Her dainty couch with tears which closely she did weepe. Spenser.
    The state of being relative, or having relation; relativity.
    A relative; a relation.
    One who supports of advocates prelacy, or the government of the church by prelates; hence, a high-churchman. Hume. I am an Episcopalian, but not a prelatist. T. Scott.
    The name given to a hypothetical element, -- later discovered and called gallium. See Gallium, and cf. Ekabor.
    Prelacy; episcopacy.
    To bring under the influence of prelacy. Palfrey.
    Erroneous relation or narration. Abp. Bramhall.
    A salt of orthosilicic acid, H4SiO4; -- so called because the ratio of the oxygen atoms united to the basic metals and silicon respectively is 1:1; for example, Mg2SiO4 or 2MgO.SiO2.
    Not relative; without mutual relations; unconnected. -- Ir*rel"a*tive*ly, adv. Irrelative chords , those having no common tone. -- Irrelative repetition , the multiplication of parts that serve for a common purpose, but have no mutual dependence
    Quality of being correlative.
    The quality or state of being irrelative; want of connection or relation.
    Prelacy. Milton.
    To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be mutually related. Doctrine and worship correlate as theory and practice. Tylor.
    Prelacy. Milton.
    Deposed from the office of prelate.
    The office of a prelate. Harmar.


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