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Publisher vocabulary

    A word, phrase, idiom, or custom peculiar to Africa or Africans. "The knotty Africanisms . . . of the fathers." Milton.
    A name of the Hesychasts, from their habit of gazing upon the navel.
    1. To hurry; to trouble; to tease. Bickerstaff. 2. To box on the ear; to strike or box. ; as, to wherret a child.
    A concrete juice produced by various trees found in the Malayan archipelago, especially by the Isonandra, or Dichopsis, Gutta. It becomes soft, and unpressible at the tamperature of boiling water, and, on cooling, retains its new shape. It dissolves
  • WET
    Employing, or done by means of, water or some other liquid; as, the wet extraction of copper, in distinction from dry extraction in which dry heat or fusion is employed. 4. Refreshed with liquor; drunk. Prior. Wet blanket, Wet dock, etc. See under
    1. Resembling, or serving as, a valve; consisting of, or opening by, a valve or valves; valvular. Meeting at the edges without overlapping; -- said of the sepals or the petals of flowers in æstivation, and of leaves in vernation. Opening as if
    The near approach of one heavenly body to another, or to the meridian; a coming into conjunction; as, the appulse of the moon to a star, or of a star to the meridian. (more info) 1. A driving or running towards; approach; impulse; also, the act

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