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Publisher vocabulary

    Terminated abruptly, or as it bitten off. Premorse root or leaves , such as have an abrupt, ragged, and irregular termination, as if bitten off short.
    Divided by parallel planes; as, zonate tetraspores, found in certain red algæ.
    Any one of several species of small sandpipers, as the sanderling of Europe and America, the dunlin, the little stint of India (Tringa minuta), etc. Called also pume. A phalarope.
    To nerve again; to give new vigor to; to reinvigorate.
    To take apart, or destroy the frame of. Dryden.
    Of or pertaining to the incisors; incisor; as, the incisive bones, the premaxillaries. (more info) 1. Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument; cutting; hence, sharp; acute; sarcastic; biting.
    The act or offense of grubbing up trees and bushes, and thus destroying the tickets or coverts of a forest. Spelman. Cowell. 2. A piece of land cleared of trees and bushes, and fitted for cultivation; a clearing. Ash. Assart land, forest

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